Society's ChildS


Johnathan murderer a psychopathic volcano, sentencing hearing told

A psychiatrist has painted a disturbing picture of a teen who stabbed his younger brother to death, calling him a "psychopath" and describing the 19-year-old as a "smouldering volcano with steam coming out of the vents."

Chart Bar

83% of CNN pollsters agree with Charlie Sheen on 9/11 being an inside job

Despite the best efforts of the now whimpering attack poodles of the mainstream media, an online CNN poll shows that over four-fifths, or 82 per cent, agree with actor Charlie Sheen that the U.S. government covered up the real events of the 9/11 attacks.

Every establishment media mouthpiece aside from CNN tried to hang Sheen on his own words but it simply didn't work because those same questions are firing the synapses in the heads of millions upon millions of other taxpaying American citizens.

We are now in the majority and the cynics are beginning to feel the breeze of fear as they desperately cling to ignorant dogmas spoon fed to them by an empire in descent, while in the back of their mind and in their soul knowing that they have sided with the wrong team and the wrong side of history.

As of Friday morning you can still vote in the poll and I encourage you to do so by clicking here. A.J. Hammer and CNN Showbiz Tonight need to be given their due as the only mainstream television news show to give balanced coverage of serious 9/11 questions.


No Concrete Proof Iran Nuclear Program Is Military

Vienna - UN nuclear inspectors have found no "concrete proof" that Iran's nuclear program is of a military nature, a senior official close to the UN nuclear agency said Thursday. "Inspectors have not uncovered any concrete proof that Iran's nuclear program is of a military nature," the official told reporters on condition of anonymity.

The official said this conclusion came as inspectors from the Vienna-based International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) were investigating "additional questions about the scope and nature of Iran's nuclear program" as part of an ongoing investigation since February 2003.

These questions have involved Iran's work with sophisticated P2 centrifuges to enrich uranium and blueprints Iran possesses to make nuclear weapons parts.

Iran has not been forthcoming in answering these questions.

"There is a standstill with regard to the resolution of outstanding issues which would clarify the peaceful nature of Iran's program," the official said.

Cow Skull

SOTT Focus: Flat Daddies and Bronze Poo - Something Is Rotten In The State Of America

When attempting to take the pulse of a nation, look no further than popular culture, family and politics, they say. Well, a quick look at these areas of American life gives a diagnosis of either clinically insane or clinically dead.

Eye 1

They know all about you

Every time you use an internet search engine, your inquiry is stored in a huge database. Would you like such personal information to become public knowledge? Yet for thousands of AOL customers, that nightmare has just become a reality. Andrew Brown reports on an incident that has exposed how much we divulge to Google & company.

In March this year, a man with a passion for Portuguese football, living in a city in Florida, was drinking heavily because his wife was having an affair. He typed his troubles into the search window of his computer. "My wife doesnt love animore," he told the machine. He searched for "Stop your divorce" and "I want revenge to my wife" before turning to self-examination with "alchool withdrawl", "alchool withdrawl sintoms" (at 10 in the morning) and "disfunctional erection". On April 1 he was looking for a local medium who could "predict my futur".

But what could a psychic guess about him compared with what the world now knows? This story is one of hundreds, perhaps tens of thousands, revealed this month when AOL published the details of 23m searches made by 650,000 of its customers during a three-month period earlier in the year. The searches were actually carried out by Google - from which AOL buys in its search functions.


SOTT Focus: Thank God For Non-Ricochet Bullets

Let me give you a little scenario to ponder:

An innocent man who offers no suggestion that he is a threat in any way, is murdered on a London train with 7 point blank shots to the head of the victim over a 30 second interval by an UK police officer with Scotland Yard's elite CO19 gun squad.

In a sane world, what should happen to this officer? Reprimand? Dismissal? Jail time?

Think again:


SOTT Focus: When Contemplating the War On Terror - Beware of 'Baby Bombers'

Such was the extent of the negative exposure that the British government received from reports that mothers at UK airports were being forced to taste and dump their baby milk to prove they are not "terrorists", the British government has today invented an utterly racist and xenophobic "explanation" for these obvious fascist policies.


SOTT Focus: Sleeping With The Enemy - The Answer To The "Why" Of War

On Saturday night July 30th 2006, in the Lebanese village of Qana,64 Lebanese civilians, comprising the members of two extended families, were sleeping in an unfinished building...

Bad Guys

SOTT Focus: A Planet On The Edge Of Anarchy?

In a recent article, Michael Chossudovsky asks an interesting question:
Is there a relationship between the bombing of Lebanon and the inauguration of the World's largest strategic pipeline, which will channel more than a million barrels of oil a day to Western markets?

Eye 2

UK: MP casts doubt on David Kelly suicide

An opposition member of parliament has alleged that a government scientist who cast doubt on intelligence about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction may not have taken his own life.

A judicial inquiry into the death of David Kelly in July 2003 concluded that the one-time UN weapons inspector and expert on Saddam Hussein's weapons programmes committed suicide.

He did so after he was named as the source of a BBC news report suggesting that Tony Blair's government had "sexed up" intelligence in the run-up to the US and British invasion of Iraq four months earlier.

"Today, I challenge that conclusion," wrote Norman Baker, from the Liberal Democrats, in the Mail on Sunday newspaper.

"I do so on the basis that the medical evidence available simply cannot sustain it, that Dr Kelly's own behaviour and character argues against it and that there were serious shortcomings in the way the legal and investigative processes set up to consider his death were followed."

Comment: Speaking of David Kelly, don't miss our Signs Supplement on Ethnic Specific Weapons.