Society's ChildS


Electronic Voting Was Rife with Errors on Nov. 7

Did Election 2006 mark smooth transition to electronic balloting? Not so fast, America.


Terrorizes Florida in Thrill-Kill Rampage

That headline was from a satirical column written by Andy Borowitz published last Monday, the day before Tuesday's midterm elections. Unfortunately, given the post-election coverage by some of the nation's leading media -- or at least their headline writers -- it seems that only an event such as a Diebold voting machine becoming "unmoored from the floor and...trampling everyone and everything in its path," as Borowitz wrote, would qualify as anything more than a "glitch," "hiccup," "snag" or "snafu."


SOTT Focus: Post-Election Reality Check

So you think "the system worked", democracy has won out, and that yesterday's election is the first step to straightening out the mess Bush and the Neocons have made on the planet?

Think again. It's not that "the system" didn't work; it worked very well, but you have again been duped.

Nothing has changed. In fact, many of you have been put back to sleep by the staged Democratic victory which was set up just for that purpose; to make you think you still live in a democracy. The fact is, the Zionist halter is as firmly strapped on the head of American State policy as it ever was, and the American voter needs to realize that it is immaterial which party prevails at elections.

Bad Guys

SOTT Focus: Yay Democracy! Long Live The Murdering Bastards

Beit Hanoun Child Mother
Israel and America - bringing the 'peace' to Palestine

Yay America! Democracy rulz! Doesn't it make ya feel good?! A 'sea change' in American politics no less! Democrats take control of Congress and the Senate, Nancy Pelosi, House Democratic leader is now House Majority leader, third in the power ranking in American politics behind the president and the white anti-Buddah Cheney. No more unchecked Republican and Presidential power, a new, bright future for everyone. I mean, how could it not be?


Electronic Voting Problems (scams?) Surface in US mid-term elections

Voting is continuing in the mid-term elections in the United States.


SOTT Focus: Massive Death Toll In Iraq

You want to talk conspiracies? Even better, you want to talk "crazy conspiracy theories"? Try this on for size...


SOTT Focus: Manufacturing Anti-Semitism's No Joke

Borat - understanding 'anti-Semitism'

Zionist groupings like the ADL, AIPAC and the Israeli government regularly regale Jews and non-Jews alike with fantastical claims that "anti-Semitism is on the rise" and that all Jews must quickly flee to the 'safety' of Israel. These groups never waste an opportunity to remind those of Jewish faith that they can never rest easy among non-Jews, going so far as to assert that "hatred of Jews simply because they are Jews" may actually be an unconscious genetic trait of non-Jewish people.

Bad Guys

SOTT Focus: Murdering Children - Israel's Domestic Policy

In the past 8 weeks alone, the Zionist government of Israel and it's military apparatus have murdered 228 Palestinians, 37 of them children. Almost all of these children's names have been completely excluded from Western media reports, while at the same time, almost everyone knows the name of the single Israeli soldier whose capture ( allegedly by Palestinian militants) in June was used by the Israeli government to attack Lebanon and murder 1300 civilians.


Ahmadinejad: Iran will "not back down" on nuclear rights

TEHRAN, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) -- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told a seminar here on Wednesday that Iran would "not back down" on its nuclear rights and suspend nuclear enrichment, Iran's official IRNA news agency reported.


Cult guru to hang for Tokyo subway gas attack

TOKYO - A former cult leader who masterminded a poison gas attack on Tokyo subway trains in 1995 had his appeal against the death penalty rejected by Japan's Supreme Court on Friday.

Lawyers for Shoko Asahara, 51, had argued that the former leader of Aum Shinri Kyo, or Supreme Truth Sect, was mentally incompetent and called for the case be suspended.

Asahara, whose real name is Chizuo Matsumoto, was found responsible for gassings on Tokyo rush-hour trains that killed 12 and sickened thousands, and was sentenced to death by a Tokyo court in February 2004 for murder and attempted murder.

The attack injured about 5,500 people, some permanently, when members of the cult released sarin, a lethal nerve gas first developed but not used by the Nazis in World War Two.

Japan does not announce dates of executions, which are by hanging, in advance of them being carried out.

The gassing, with its images of bodies lying across platforms and soldiers in gas masks sealing off Tokyo subway stations, stunned the Japanese public and shattered the country's self-image as a haven of public safety.


Johnathan murderer a psychopathic volcano, sentencing hearing told

A psychiatrist has painted a disturbing picture of a teen who stabbed his younger brother to death, calling him a "psychopath" and describing the 19-year-old as a "smouldering volcano with steam coming out of the vents."