Trump jet plane
© Cheriss May/NurPhoto via Getty Images
A former White House official tells me that online conservative ire (Laura Ingraham, Ann Coulter, Mark Levin, etc.). about the spending bill President Trump signed yesterday - after a puzzling tweeted veto feint - "is the hardest I've ever seen the base turn on Trump over anything."

Why it matters: "A big reason why people voted for him was because of his apparent willingness to stand up to the entrenched political class in both parties. Voters wanted a fighter who wouldn't back down to 'the swamp' like a 'typical politician," the official told me.

  • "They were attracted to his strength and alpha mentality, but unfortunately yesterday's fake veto threat did little but make him look weak ... and his base took notice."
  • "Trump's base is literally begging him to throw McConnell/Ryan under the bus after today. Just search 'McConnell Trump' on Tweetdeck and you will see what I mean."
A White House official replies that a six-month continuing resolution would have led to no better outcome:
  • "The veto advocates hate Ryan and McConnell. Not good enough reason for us to veto."
  • "Thought one of the reasons DJT was elected was to get things done in a broken D.C.?"
  • Touché: "If there was a shutdown, would Axios headline praise Trump as shrewd negotiator, or ridicule as dealmaker who can't make a deal to fund the government?"