TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras - Tropical Storm Gamma weakened into a tropical depression Sunday and drifted off Honduras after torrential downpours lashed the Central American coast, killing 14 people including a young family of four.

Gamma, the 24th named storm of an already record-breaking Atlantic hurricane season, was expected to dissipate over the next day and was likely to miss Florida altogether. But the storm was expected to bring steady rain to northern Honduras and central Cuba as it becomes less organized, according to the National Hurricane Center in Miami.

Gamma's maximum sustained winds decreased to 35 mph below the 39 mph to be considered a tropical storm, the hurricane center said. Its center was located about 85 miles north of the Honduran city of Limon and it was meandering north.

Forecasters said Gamma's projected path would carry it south of Jamaica by Wednesday, but forecasters said it might not even be a tropical cyclone by then.

Gamma had 45 mph winds and torrential downpours when it deluged Honduras on Saturday. Its remnants killed a 48-year-old man and an 8-year-old boy Sunday in Batalla, 250 miles northeast of the capital, Tegucigalpa, bringing the death toll in that country to 11, authorities said. There were no details on how the man and boy died. Authorities were searching for 15 people reported missing.

The government said the storm destroyed 48 homes, damaged 264 and forced more than 11,000 people to evacuate. [...]