High StrangenessS


Missing 411? Teen found alive in woods after going missing for 8 days and is unable to explain what happened

Gia Fuda
© King County Sheriff's OfficeGia Fuda
A teenager who went missing for over a week in Washington state was found alive Saturday in the heavily wooded Cascade Mountains, authorities said.

"It's very rare. It is definitely a miracle, and we are so thrilled that she is OK and made it out of there," Sgt. Ryan Abbott told reporters. "There has been so much support, and so much interest and people wanting to help. It's nice to see."

Fuda was last seen on July 24, when she left her home in Maple Vally, Wash., without telling her family where she was going.

Her 2008 Toyota Corolla was found west of Stevens Pass by a state transportation worker.

Detectives said Fuda stopped at a coffee shop before running out of gas. Personal items were found inside the vehicle, but her phone was powered off.

Comment: This has many of the hallmarks of a Missing 411 case. Why would she take her shoes off if she were walking through the woods? Why can't she remember what happened? The detail about her being discovered next to a creek is another profile point in Missing 411 cases. She is lucky to be alive. See:

Eye 1

Exorcist claims possessed woman threw 4 men across room and spoke demonic language

demonic possession
© Matt Rota/ Washington Post
A practising exorcist claims he once witnessed a terrifying case of demonic possession where a woman with a demon inside her threw four men across a room.

Bishop Plato Angelakis, an ordained Orthodox Catholic priest with the Oblates of St Therese in Wisconsin, US, said it was his first-ever exorcism and involved himself and a small group of other priests.

The victim, a 60-year-old woman, was said to have not "eaten or drank anything for a month" and so the priests visited her home to try and rid her of the evil presence.

Talking on The Exorcist TV Show Podcast, Bishop Angelakis explained what he saw.

Cow Skull

Cow found mutilated in Eastern Oregon, investigators bewildered

cattle mutilation strange position
© Wheeler County Sheriff's OfficeRancher David Hunt found a cow dead and mutilated Thursday, with her tongue, genitals and reproductive organs cut out — and she was placed in an upright position.
Authorities are investigating the death and mutilation of yet another cow — this time, on rangeland near Fossil, Ore.

And the culprit may have left a clue: a boot print.

The black Angus cow, a breeding animal worth about $1,000, was found Thursday dead and mutilated — tongue, genitals and reproductive organs cut out. Her carcass was found upright, front legs tucked underneath, a position investigators say they haven't seen before.

The cause of death is unknown, and authorities told the Capital Press the case is ongoing.

"She died in a position she couldn't have gotten into by herself. I don't have any kind of logical explanation for it," said David Hunt, owner of Hunt Ranch and a partner-producer for Painted Hills Natural Beef Inc.


Evidence suggests UFO whistleblower Bob Lazar was telling the truth all along - world owes him an apology

bob lazar
Near the end of his 2019 autobiography, Bob Lazar writes, "I'm no kind of hero."

With each passing day, that seems less true. I know what you're thinking: Is this idiot really devoting a column to a controversial UFO whistleblower during a global pandemic? Should I stop reading this tinfoil claptrap right now and spend the next few minutes on something more productive?

Answers: 1. Yes. 2. Probably.

OK. To everyone still here, why is Bob Lazar on my mind? Because I just read a New York Times story — "No Longer in Shadows, Pentagon's U.F.O. Unit Will Make Some Findings Public" — that includes a buried nugget about how astrophysicist and Pentagon contractor Eric W. Davis gave a classified briefing to government officials in March about retrieved "off-world vehicles not made on this earth."

I know. It's nuts. If you ever watched "The X-Files," the U.S. government has basically done a 180 on UFOs. For nearly a century, intel gathering under clandestine programs — Project Mogul, Project Sign, Project Grudge, Project Blue Book, Project Ozma — had one guiding principle: blanket denial.

The stated goal was to investigate UFO sightings. The outcome was official excuses.

UFOs were weather balloons or street lamps or migrating birds. They were illusions refracted by the natural world. They were fantasies of deranged imaginations. They were not real.

All of that has changed dramatically, starting with a 2017 New York Times blockbuster that revealed the existence of the U.S. government's Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, created a decade earlier to analyze unexplained phenomena. The Navy has since publicly verified three videos that show unidentified aircraft violating the laws of aerodynamics. Apparently, there are more.


Best of the Web: Drip-drip disclosure: Pentagon UFO unit 'to publicly release some findings' after ex-official says 'off-world vehicle' found

the UFO
© The Patent/unknown
A Pentagon UFO unit will make some investigations public as ex-advisors suggest that "vehicles not made on this earth" were placed in US government storage.

The team will update the US Senate's Intelligence Committee on its unidentified flying object (UFO) research every six months, The New York Times reported on Thursday.

Publicly named in 2019 as the Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon Task Force, the Pentagon unit succeeded an investigative UFO program that was said to have been disbanded prior to 2017.

One former official, Eric Davis, told The Times that he briefed the US Department of Defense in March about the retrieval of "off-world vehicles not made on this earth". The Pentagon consultant and subcontractor said objects he believed "we couldn't make...ourselves" were discovered during his time on the unit, where he has worked since 2007.

Comment: See also:
US Senate Select Committee report refers to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena


New never before seen pictures of Area 51 revealed

area 51
The Joe Rogan Experience podcast - which recently announced that starting in September will be exclusive to Spotify - had private pilot Gabe Zeifman reveal new never before seen photographs of the mysterious Area 51. Rogan, who has long had an interest in the UFO community first discussed the images as part of his new 3-hour interview. Over his decades-long career, Rogan has spoken to many of the top researchers, storytellers, and aficionados in the community. In these new photographs of the super-secret base and its surrounding area are rarely seen angles of the Groom Lake area, taken from northwest of the main base looking southeast.

Comment: See also:


Flashback Greek merchant mariner recalls Burmuda Triangle UFO sighting

© Skynews/USAFUFO over Bermuda Triangle
Greek Merchant Marine radio operator Polycarp Spentzas had an indescribably strange and unforgettable experience while working aboard the vessel Pothiti SWJC in 1978 off Bermuda. But he certainly wasn't the only person to observe these odd occurrences in the last few decades.

Over the years there have been a multitude of odd, unexplainable and unsettling occurrences in that famed area between Bermuda in the north, the Bahamas in the south and Miami Florida in the west, including the disappearance of twelve US Navy crewmembers on a seaplane patrolling there during the Second World War, on July 10, 1945.

They had left the Banana River Florida, Naval Air Station the night before for a training flight to Great Exuma in the Bahamas. The last time they were ever heard from was 1:16 AM the next day, at a position of 25.22N, 7734W, near Providence Island. No trace of the crew or their aircraft has ever been found.

Grey Alien

'Templar' crop circle appears in French field

Templar Crop Circle
© Reuters

A giant crop circle that apparently appeared out of nowhere has drawn crowds of people to a farmer's field in Northern France.

The giant Templar sign actually appeared on July 5 in a field in Vimy, near Lens, and has created great excitement around the area- attracting thousands of people to come to visit it.

The farmer to whom these wheat crops belong, Gerard Benoit, happened upon the rune while driving the tractor. "I noticed that the ears of corn were lying on the ground. I thought someone had damaged my wheat overnight, but then I realized it was forming a pattern, it's well done. We've never seen a crop circle before. We see it in movies. It's vandalism, but we said to ourselves, 'It's good for once!' , Nicolas Benoit, the farmer's son said.

"We saw a lot of people come to the field and we discovered that there were religious beliefs around it. People are crazy. They come to pray, " explains the man.


Mysterious lights spotted flashing in Houston, Texas sky

UFO over Houston, TX
Several ABC13 viewers captured video of strange lights flashing over our area Wednesday night.

The video above shows the lights hovering in a strange formation, flashing repeatedly.

There is currently no word on what they were.


US Senate Select Committee report refers to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

Thanks to a lead provided to US researcher Danny Silva (original source Steve McDaniel) we have been made aware, of a Report 116-233, from the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, dated 17 June 2020, that refers to Unidentified Aerial Phenomena.


The introduction to the Committee's report on a Bill, S3905, "Intelligence Authorization Act for fiscal year 2021" sponsored by Senator Rubio Marco, (Senator for the state of Florida) states:
marco rubio
© Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call
"The Select Committee on Intelligence, having considered an original bill (S.3905) to authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2021 for intelligence and intelligence-related activities of the United States Government, the Intelligence Community Management Account, and the Central Intelligence Agency Retirement and Disability System, and for other purposes, reports favourably thereon and recommends that the bill do pass." So, they recommend the bill be turned into an Act, thereby authorizing the details contained in the bill (after debate) to be then law, and actionable.