High StrangenessS


Best of the Web: Slow-motion alien disclosure continues: Pentagon confirms 3 UFO videos it leaked years ago are 'legit'

UFO footage from Jan 2015
© US Department of Defense
The Pentagon on Monday formally released three unclassified videos taken by Navy pilots that have circulated for years showing interactions with "unidentified aerial phenomena."

One of the videos shows an incident from 2004, and the other two were recorded in January 2015, according to Sue Gough, a Defense Department spokeswoman. The videos became public after unauthorized leaks in 2007 and 2017, and the Navy previously verified their authenticity.

Comment: Unauthorized, yeah right! They leaked them to test the waters. Few noticed anyway, and Covid1984 has amply demonstrated that 'the herd' is obeying everything it's commanded to do (for now), so they know it's 'safe' to finally admit that they're not really 'top dog' out there.

"After a thorough review, the department has determined that the authorized release of these unclassified videos does not reveal any sensitive capabilities or systems, and does not impinge on any subsequent investigations of military air space incursions by unidentified aerial phenomena," Gough said.


Missing 411? Campsite with well-equipped vehicle found belonging to missing couple in Australian brush country

Clay & Hill & campsite
© Victoria PoliceCarol Clay and Russell Hill • Photo of their campsite, Wonnangatta area.
Photos have emerged of the burnt-out campsite and abandoned car of two older friends, missing in Victoria's High Country for 11 days.

Russell Hill, 74, left his Drouin home on March 19 with plans to camp along the Dargo River in Gippsland.

Carol Clay, 73, a former Victorian president of the Country Women's Association, told friends she was going away and would be back home in Pakenham no later than March 29.

Mr Hill's car and their campsite were found abandoned and burnt out near Dry River track at Billabong in the Wonnangatta Valley, north of Licola on Friday.

Ms Clay's belongings were in the car. Police are trying to work out why the pair abandoned the well-equipped vehicle when it was still able to be driven. They are also investigating who lit the fire at the campsite and who extinguished it.

Comment: UPDATE 6/5/2020: Search called off
Police have ended the search for two friends aged in their 70s who went missing during a camping trip in Victoria last month. Rain hampered the search and it is now highly unlikely the pair has survived. It snowed on higher peaks in the area on Sunday.

Inspector Craig Gaffee said he informed relatives today that the search was over.

"Right from the outset I was really confident we'd be able to find both of them. The fact that it's got to this stage is really a surprise to me and really disappointing for all searchers involved. Arson chemists haven't been able to determine a cause of the fire at this stage but we don't believe that fire was deliberately lit," Inspector Gaffee said.

Inspector Gaffee said there are a number of possible scenarios, some more likely than others.

"The more likely ones are that they are still in the valley, that a third person or parties are involved, or perhaps the people themselves have gone somewhere else. But we haven't got the evidence to suggest that yet."

Police drones, helicopters and dogs have been used during the search, as well as mountain cattlemen on horseback and specialist State Emergency Service crews.
See also:


Daylight UFO sighting caught on video in Siberia

UFO tomsk
© YouTube/State TV and Radio Broadcasting Company TomskMysterious objects over Tomsk, Siberia April 6, 2020
It's not often you see an unidentified flying object overhead, and when you do — you'd better film it. On Tuesday, citizens of Tomsk began sharing a short clip of three glowing flying objects moving in a triangle formation.

While some locals are convinced of its interplanetary nature, experts are flummoxed.


An alien invasion next?

Alien Invasion
Humanity is currently wrestling with the very tangible threat of the coronavirus pandemic, but some fear that the planet could face another global danger in their lifetime: an alien attack.

Earthlings do not have a plan in place for a potential alien invasion, warns ufologist Nick Pope.

Pope, who had worked at a now-defunct UFO research division at the UK Ministry of Defence, believes that life would descend into chaos in the event of an attack from space.

"If real-life aliens are regarding this Earth with envious eyes, and are drawing up plans, what are our plans to deal with them? The short answer is that there aren't any," he told The Daily Express. "If it came to a real-life War of the Worlds, there's no alien invasion war plan - we'll just have to wing it."
"Conspiracy theorists will doubtless say there is a plan, buried somewhere deep within government, but I promise there isn't. If there was, I would have been responsible for writing it."
He says that the panic around the changing climate, terror attacks and the COVID-19 pandemic shows that the idea of living in a disaster-proof bunker "doesn't sound quite so odd."


'Ezekiel's Wheel' UFO 'bigger than Earth' spotted by viewers of NASA observation mission - UPDATE: It's just a reflection of Venus

Comment: UPDATE 13 March 2020

Our apologies to readers: this is no mysterious object'. It's just a reflection of Venus causing an artefact to appear on screen. See here from SuspiciousObservers, who has explained this each time it appears every few years...

ufo near sun ISS huge
© The Hidden Underbelly 2.0/YouTubeHuge 'UFO' spotted by viewers of NASA's STEREO sun observatory satellite.
The development comes weeks after a camera at the International Space Station spotted an unknown cone-like object that was flying upward.

NASA's STEREO observation mission has spotted what fans of conspiracy theories said is a gigantic UFO flying past the Sun. The incident itself occurred on 29 February, but the footage of it was posted just recently on the channel "Hidden Underbelly 2.0" dedicated to mysterious events and sightings. According to the host, STEREO's camera filmed the humongous object for four seconds after which it turned off and began working only after the UFO passed.


NASA officials 'baffled' after cameras catch UFO pacing ISS for over 20 minutes

UFO ISS space station NASA
© IGAstonishing footage of a UFO hovering above Earth has been caught by NASA cameras
Astonishing footage of a UFO hovering above Earth has been caught by NASA cameras. The incredible video, captured on the US space agency's live camera sees the cone-shaped object keep pace with the International Space Station (ISS) above it. In a bizarre twist, the NASA camera zooms in on the object, appearing to show the US space agency acknowledges the UFO.

The footage was posted by UFO enthusiast Scott Waring on his YouTube channel ET Data Base and has since gone viral across social media.

The 22-minute long footage shows the bus-sized UFO moving at the same speed as the ISS, which moves at 78km/second.

At the end of the live feed stream, the UFO shoots upwards and disappears, leaving behind a green burst of light.


California couple missing for 8 days found alive, police call it 'a miracle'

Carol Kiparsky and Ian Irwin
© Marin County Sheriff's Office via APIn these undated photos released by the Marin County Sheriff's Office are Carol Kiparsky and Ian Irwin.
A couple missing for over a week in Northern California were found alive on Saturday morning by rescuers who had given up hope of finding them alive.

The Marin County Sheriff's Office said at a news conference that Carol Kiparsky, 77, and Ian Irwin, 72, were found around 10 a.m. on Saturday in "very dense drainage [ditch] that was overgrown with foliage" near Tomales Bay, a narrow inlet about 30 miles north of San Francisco.

"This is a miracle," Marin County Sheriff's Sgt. Brenton Schneider told reporters.

The couple, from Palo Alto, was last seen Valentine's Day, at their Airbnb rented cottage near Inverness, a town at the foot of the bay. The couple never checked out the next day as planned and failed to show up for an appointment on Feb. 16, which sheriff's officials said was highly out of character for them.

When housekeepers went to the cottage to clean up, they found the couple's phones and wallets in addition to their vehicle parked outside the rental home.

Comment: A case of 'recovered 411'? Check out what David Paulides has to say:

Evil Rays

Best of the Web: Cosmic phenomenon? Strange waves pulse through cloud in skies over northwestern Syria

Comment: We are most certainly not in Kansas anymore...

© FILE PHOTOWhat was strange about this was not the clouds, but something apparently moving THROUGH the clouds...
Alien hunters and conspiracy theorists of all sorts do not need much to get them to seek traces of extraterrestrial guests or secret governmental programmes. A clip said to be filmed in Aleppo, with a stripe-like pattern in the clouds, inspired the most bizarre assumptions, as well.

Online commenters latched onto the footage of smoke ripples in the sky, said to be filmed in the Aleppo countryside in Syria, to reinforce claims that weather control weapons exist. Although its authenticity cannot be confirmed, the clip prompted conspiracy theorists' imagination to fly. It was posted on Twitter by a user with the handle Ahmad1618A, who describes himself as "an activist here to deliver the voice of Syrians."

The video shows a cloud in the bright sky with smoke, moving upwards in a stripe-like pattern. The show lasts a few moments. The author of the video suggested in the caption that it was an electromagnetic interference, "whose source has not yet been determined."

Comment: Note also the UFO at 19 seconds...

See also:


Third Navy crew saw 2004 Nimitz UFO 'forming in front if them' - but were 'ordered to stay quiet'

ufo tic tac
© YouTubeFighter jet radar image of the UFO the Nimitz crew labeled the 'tic-tac' which supposedly moved at speeds never seen before
A third US Navy craft witnessed the infamous tic-tac UFO in 2004 "form" in front of them, but the crew on board were ordered to "never talk" about what they saw.

It is widely believed two F/8-18E Super Hornets from the USS Nimitz were the first to witness the infamous UFO off the coast of San Diego on November 14, 2004, before a second team were sent out later and caught the object on camera.

Commander David Fravor, piloting one of the Super Hornets, has gained worldwide fame after his testimony was included in a bombshell New York Times article exposing the encounter in 2017.



Two ring-shaped clouds appear above Russian city, then 'multiply' - UPDATE

irkutsk rings sky
© CENMultiple ring-like clouds appear across the sky above Irkutsk in southern Russia
Bizarre footage of two mysterious large ring-shaped clouds appearing in the sky above a Russian city has baffled the internet.

Video has emerged showing the two disc-like clouds floating before a third suddenly becomes visible. Towards the end of the footage, a plane is seen heading towards the sky rings and pierces the first circle. Local media said a fourth ring appeared shortly afterwards.

The incident was filmed in the city of Irkutsk in the southern Russian region of Irkutsk Oblast by numerous local residents, and the images were later widely shared on social media.

Comment: RT provides further footage of the event and reports that current speculation in Russia is that these were left by a Su-30 fighter jet: