Society's ChildS

Heart - Black

Houston police force homeless to throw food, donations and blankets away

Houston police force homeless to throw away food
© Cha'Mira L. Keener / Facebook
Houston police forced a group of homeless people to throw away food and other essentials that were donated to them by local activists just before Christmas.

Police showed up at the gathering in downtown Houston last Thursday afternoon where several people had agreed to hand out hot meals and other supplies to help the homeless through Christmas.

Along with several squad cars, the police brought with them a large waste management truck for the homeless to throw all the gifts into, including things such as blankets and pillows.


10 dead and at least 20 wounded in blasts at Philippines boxing match

Philippine map
© Wikipedia
Ten people are reported dead and at least 20 injured after two explosions at a boxing match in the Philippines, according to local media.

The blasts occurred at about 9pm Wednesday evening during a fiesta celebration in Hilongos, Leyte - an island in the Visayas group of the Philippines.

The improvised explosive devices (IED) killed 10 people and wounded 20 others at a boxing match in Barangay Central Poblacion, according to Philippines base online news site Rappler, citing a statement from President Rodrigo Duterte's spokesperson, Ernesto Abella.

Post-It Note

The IRONY! 'You cannot eat here! No Nazis': Hawaii cafe bans Trump voters in true display of Fascism

Sign at Hawaii cafe
© Fox News
Honolulu's Café 8 ½ gets rave reviews on Yelp for its "Radiatore Verde" and "Italian stir fry," among other popular dishes at the eclectic mom-and-pop restaurant - but the response to its new 'policy' barring pro-Trump patrons has been decidedly more mixed.

A bright yellow, handmade sign posted on the restaurant's front glass door declares: "If you voted for Trump you cannot eat here! No Nazis." A photo of the sign was shared with One also is proudly posted on the café's Facebook page, and was "liked" by some 40 people.

"...The next time you're in Honolulu, eat lunch here, not only are they on the right side of things, the food is delicious and reasonable," Facebook user Ariel Agor wrote next to the photo.

Others aren't so charmed.

Honolulu resident and Donald Trump voter Susan Roberts told she found the sign in "extreme poor taste." "It's childish and very unprofessional," she said in an email. "... The restaurant owner doesn't have to worry ... I will not be stepping foot in that establishment."

Eye 1

Liberal snowflake effect = Fascism: No more free speech for professors at University of Oregon

Mouth taped shut - No free speech
© Truth Revolt

Comment: The thought police are really here, now.

Writing for the Washington Post, Eugene Volokh of The Volokh Conspiracy addresses a disturbing development at the University of Oregon, whose administration made clear to its faculty last week that if you say things about race, sexual orientation, sex, religion and so on that enough people find offensive, you could get suspended and possibly even fired. This can happen even to tenured faculty members or to anyone else.

"Orthodoxy," Volokh writes, "enforced on threat of institutional punishment, is what the University of Oregon is now about."

This all began with a Halloween party hosted by tenured University of Oregon law school professor Nancy Shurtz attended by about a dozen students and about a dozen non-students:
Shurtz had told the students that she would be "going as a popular book title"; she didn't tell the students up front what it was, but the book was the recent (and acclaimed) "Black Man in a White Coat," a black doctor's "reflections on race and medicine" (according to the subtitle). Shurtz's "costume incorporated a white doctor's lab coat, a stethoscope, black makeup on her face and hands, and a black curly wig resembling an afro." The university report states that Shurtz "was inspired by this book and by the author, that she greatly admires [the author] and wanted to honor him, and that she dressed as the book because she finds it reprehensible that there is a shortage of racial diversity, and particularly of black men, in higher education."


Comment: See also:


Fort Worth police shoot and paralyze man, then charge him with assault

David Collie
© photographyisnotacrime.comDavid Collie
An innocent man was shot in the back by police, arrested, charged with assaulting THEM, is now paralyzed for the rest of his life — and police call this justice.

After David Collie watched the video of a Fort Worth police officer assault and arrest an innocent mother and her children who called police after her 7-year-old son was choked by a neighbor, he decided to release the video of his encounter with Fort Worth cops.

"Unfortunately, what we've seen from the Fort Worth police officer in that video is not an isolated incident. Many members of our community have been assaulted, handled roughly by Fort Worth police officers," Collie's attorney, Nate Washington said. "To be clear, we believe the vast majority of police officers are good and decent people."

The terrifying video shows police officers pull up to Collie's apartment complex, get out of their cruiser, and immediately shoot him in the back. One officer is seen holding a blinding flashlight on Collie while another 'fears for his life' and squeezes off a round, severing Collie's spine.

Police were looking for two armed men that night, who allegedly robbed someone they met online to purchase an item. However, Collie did not fit the description, notes his attorney.


The USA Bush & Obama Created: San Francisco's police union sues city for right to kill fleeing drivers, choke citizens

San Francisco Police Officers Association
© Jessica Christian/SF ExaminerThe main entrance of the San Francisco Police Officers Association.
San Francisco's police union sued the city last week over its approval of a new policy that bars officers from shooting at moving vehicles or using chokeholds on suspects.

Citing recent attacks in Nice, France, and Columbus, Ohio, where vehicles were used as weapons against civilians, the union says the new policy will hinder officers' ability to protect themselves and the public from killers behind the wheel.

The city currently faces a string of lawsuits over police killings, including the shooting death of 29-year-old Jessica Williams in May. Williams was shot dead by a police sergeant while attempting to flee in a stolen vehicle, according to the wrongful death suit filed by her family in October.

Williams' death prompted the resignation of former Police Chief Greg Suhr, who faced mounting pressure to step down after a series of fatal police shootings and two sets of scandals over officers exchanging racist text messages.

The city announced last week it had selected Bill Scott, a black deputy police chief from Los Angeles, to head the San Francisco Police Department starting in late January after months of searching for a new chief.


Hamas condemns viral video of Bahrain celebration with Jews and Muslims

Muslims Jews dancing viral video
© Today's Video / YouTube
Hamas condemned the king of Bahrain for hosting a menorah-lighting ceremony to mark the first day of Hanukkah, a Jewish national holiday. Video documenting the ceremony, showing Muslims and Jews dancing together, has gone viral.

Hamas, a political and militant group from Palestine, issued a statement condemning the king of Bahrain, Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, after he hosted a candle-lighting ceremony together with a group of American Jews. The video of the ceremony, showing Muslims and Jews dancing together, has gone viral on the web.

Last year was the first time that the king of Bahrain, the only Muslim-dominated country with a synagogue, officially marked the first day of Hanukkah. Bahrain had one of the smallest Jewish populations in the world, about 1,500 Jews in 1948, and most left after the creation of Israel in that year. Less than 50 Jews are said to reside in the country today.

Comment: ‌One of the issues facing the Middle East is that many Muslim countries have been co-opted by the West and Israel to stand by and even participate in the atrocities committed against Muslims. Bahrain's monarchy has been long been a part of this club. On the face of it, this video appears to show a sought-after human union between those who have struggled against one another. However, at the level of kings and the elite such struggles often do not exist, at least not in the same way experienced by the people. It is often their collusion that foists conflict and suffering upon the everyday person.

So Hamas's reaction is at least understandable on this level. But at the same time, they need to lighten up. They'd be better suited focusing on things that actually matter, instead of straining at gnats and doing no favors for their public image.


Denmark: Unemployment benefits to ISIS members in Syria; sends woman who fought against ISIS to prison

Danish ISIS member
© TwitterDane who joined ISIS in Syria (guy on the right), collects unemployment.
Denmark has discovered that dozens of its citizens fighting for ISIS have continued to receive cash benefits. According to local media the government somehow expects terrorists to pay the improperly distributed funds back. At least 36 people who are known by authorities to have left Denmark to allegedly to join the ranks of ISIS continued to receive welfare payments, according to the Ekstra Bladet newspaper.

Joanna Palani
© IBTimes UKDane Kurd fighter Joanna Palani jailed, fought ISIS.
Thirty-four alleged terrorists received cash benefits from municipal authorities, and two others from private but heavily state-subsidized funds. The newspaper obtained the figures from the Danish Employment Ministry through a freedom of information request.

The municipalities and the private funds demanded a repayment of the improperly distributed benefits from 29 of the alleged terrorists. The seven others have presumably been killed in action. It remains unclear, exactly how the organizations expect to get the money from terrorists back, who in total have received a hefty sum of 672,000 kroner (around $77,300).

Comment: The Danish Government: Lose track of citizens to ISIS who commit acts of terrorism, pay them benefits, admonish them for receiving it and then demand and expect repayment. Then, they send a brave woman who fights same terrorism to jail. Are they grossly incompetent or just Danishly daft?

Star of David

Israel: 19yo Palestinian student, shot 4 times, sentenced 16 years in prison and fined

© Israeli PrisonIsraeli injustice to prevent rejection of occupation.
In another example of the lengthy sentencing practices especially targeting Palestinian youth and women in Jerusalem, Shorouq Dwayyat was sentenced to 16 years in Israeli prison by a Jerusalem court on Sunday, 25 December. Dwayyat, 19, from the village of Sur Baher, was also fined 80,000 NIS (approximately $21,000.) She was shot by an Israeli settler and seized by occupation forces on 7 October 2015 in eastern Jerusalem and accused of attempting to stab an Israeli settler. Witnesses reported that she was harassed by the settler prior to the alleged incident.

Dwayyat is a student at Bethlehem University who was studying history and geography. She graduated from high school, achieving a result of 90% in the national secondary Tawjihi examinations in 2015. Classes at the university were cancelled for two days after her shooting and arrest in October 2015.

Dwayyat was severely injured by the four bullets lodged within her body, unlike the Israeli man she was accused of attempting to stab, who suffered no serious injuries. Following the court's ruling, the Israeli Interior Ministry stripped the imprisoned Dwayyat of her Jerusalem residency, claiming "breach of trust," using the case as a mechanism to further the Israeli state policy of attacking Palestinian existence in Jerusalem. Amjad Abu Assab of the Prisoners' Committee in Jerusalem said that "this is a racist policy...with the aim of killing the spirit of challenge by Jerusalemites and preventing any manifestation of rejection of occupation in the occupied city of Jerusalem."

She is one of 52 Palestinian women - including 12 minor girls - imprisoned in HaSharon and Damon Israeli prisons and now is serving one of the longest sentences. The longest-held Palestinian woman prisoner, Lena Jarbouni, is serving a 17-year sentence in Israeli prison. The recent trend of particularly elevated sentences include those against Maysoon Musa (15 years), Nurhan Awad (13.5 years) and Israa Jaabis (11 years).

Comment: The Israeli methods of justice reveal their motives. Until all countries join the effort to address the persecution of Palestinians, WITH CONSEQUENCES, and stop funding Israel's inhumanity, there will be no change in its trajectory nor justice for its victims.


Oklahoma newspaper endorsed Clinton, not forgiven by angry citizens

The news and eagle
© The New York Times, Nick OxfordJeff Mullin, senior writer; Jeff L. Funk, publisher
One Sunday after church, Jeff Mullin and his wife were in line at the Western Sizzlin steakhouse here when a man, fists clenched, threatened to beat the hell out of him. "My first thought was just to kind of try to keep things calm. Otherwise, it was going to be two old guys rolling around on the floor of the steakhouse, and that would be pretty unseemly," recalled Mr. Mullin, 64, the mustachioed senior writer for Enid's daily newspaper, The Enid News & Eagle. The dispute was not personal. It was, of all things, editorial.

Mr. Mullin's red newspaper in a red county in what is arguably the reddest of states went blue this campaign season and endorsed Hillary Clinton for president. The editorial board, in a gray-shaded column on Page A4 on Oct. 9, wrote that Donald J. Trump lacked "the skills, experience or temperament to hold office." The headline and subhead read: "For U.S. president: Hillary Clinton is our choice for commander in chief."

It was the first Democratic endorsement for president in the modern history of the newspaper, which was founded in 1893. As the man's reaction at the steakhouse suggested, Enid was stunned, and this slow-paced agricultural town of 52,000 near the Kansas state line has not been the same since.

The News & Eagle, with a circulation of 10,000, lost 162 subscribers who canceled the paper. Eleven advertisers pulled their ads, including a funeral home that had a sizable account. Someone stuck a "Crooked Hillary" bumper sticker on the glass doors of the paper's downtown office. A man left a late-night message on the publisher's voice mail, expressing his hope that readers would deliver, to put it delicately, a burning sack of steaming excrement to the paper.

Comment: So, this is the story at the local level. Red state, red constituency. Why was it implemented? What was the Clinton leverage at corporate offices and how was that conveyed? Was there something more 'demanding' behind the Democratic media grab in solid red territory or did this parent corporate company make the mistake of falling into the propaganda swirl of the MSM swamp? This 'musepaper' paid a price.