Science & TechnologyS

Cowboy Hat

Russian defense firm working on new 'enemy harassing, humane' drone

Lisa combat drone
The Lisa combat drone capable of striking enemy forces with grenades was unveiled at the Army 2022 arms show on August 18
The Promkompozit tech firm is creating a 'humane' version of its Lisa (Fox) strike drone intended to harass the enemy round the clock by dropping grenades nearby, a company representative told TASS at the Army 2022 international military-technical forum on Friday.

"Now, we are working on a complete control-panel-free, self-sustained flight. Coordinates are simply entered into the drone, and it takes off. It will use a night flight strategy to harass the enemy," the company representative said.

That being said, the drone will not be assigned the task of eliminating the enemy, he said.

Fireball 5

Evidence that giant meteorite impacts formed Earth's continents

meteor impact
New research has provided the strongest evidence yet that Earth's continents were formed by giant meteorite impacts that were particularly prevalent during the first billion years or so of our planet's four-and-a-half-billion year history.

New Curtin research has provided the strongest evidence yet that Earth's continents were formed by giant meteorite impacts that were particularly prevalent during the first billion years or so of our planet's four-and-a-half-billion year history.

Dr Tim Johnson, from Curtin's School of Earth and Planetary Sciences, said the idea that the continents originally formed at sites of giant meteorite impacts had been around for decades, but until now there was little solid evidence to support the theory.


Flashback The Peculiar Math That Could Underlie the Laws of Nature

Cohl Furey
© Susannah Ireland for Quanta MagazineCohl Furey, a mathematical physicist at the University of Cambridge, is finding links between the Standard Model of particle physics and the octonions, numbers whose multiplication rules are encoded in a triangular diagram called the Fano plane.
New findings are fueling an old suspicion that fundamental particles and forces spring from strange eight-part numbers called "octonions."

In 2014, a graduate student at the University of Waterloo, Canada, named Cohl Furey rented a car and drove six hours south to Pennsylvania State University, eager to talk to a physics professor there named Murat Günaydin. Furey had figured out how to build on a finding of Günaydin's from 40 years earlier — a largely forgotten result that supported a powerful suspicion about fundamental physics and its relationship to pure math.

The suspicion, harbored by many physicists and mathematicians over the decades but rarely actively pursued, is that the peculiar panoply of forces and particles that comprise reality spring logically from the properties of eight-dimensional numbers called "octonions."

As numbers go, the familiar real numbers — those found on the number line, like 1, π and -83.777 — just get things started. Real numbers can be paired up in a particular way to form "complex numbers," first studied in 16th-century Italy, that behave like coordinates on a 2-D plane. Adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing is like translating and rotating positions around the plane. Complex numbers, suitably paired, form 4-D "quaternions," discovered in 1843 by the Irish mathematician William Rowan Hamilton, who on the spot ecstatically chiseled the formula into Dublin's Broome Bridge. John Graves, a lawyer friend of Hamilton's, subsequently showed that pairs of quaternions make octonions: numbers that define coordinates in an abstract 8-D space.


Lies, damned lies, statistics - and computer models

comnputer modelling climate science scam global warming
Sadly, computer models can be made to say whatever the modeller wishes
The current eco craze du jour is all about 'tipping points'. Take any weather event - a nice English summer for instance - catastrophise temperature, rainfall, drought and flood and suggest it is an awesome portent of certain climate Armageddon. Elite groupthink is flooding the market with such hysteria. In an excoriating article in the Telegraph, Jordan Peterson writes of a "cabal of utopians operating in the media, corporate and government fronts, wielding a nightmarish vision of environmental apocalypse". Let us update Mark Twain, suggested the Canadian sage: "There are lies, damned lies, statistics - and computer models." Net Zero is an "utterly preposterous and inexcusable goal, both practically and conceptually".

Let's look at some of these 'tipping points' that have come to dominate the public debate, and examine how much actual science intrudes on the product of computer models, and the wishful 'Day After Tomorrow' thinking of green, politicised activists.

Microscope 1

New research on the emergence of the first complex cells challenges orthodoxy

Eukaryotic/Prokaryotic cells
© Cell Biology Dictionary
In the beginning, there was boredom. Following the emergence of cellular life on earth, some 3.5 billion years ago, simple cells lacking a nucleus and other detailed internal structure dominated the planet. Matters would remain largely unchanged in terms of evolutionary development in these so-called prokaryotic cells -- the bacteria and archaea -- for another billion and a half years.

Then, something remarkable and unprecedented took place. A new type of cell, known as a eukaryote, emerged. The eukaryotes would evolve many complex internal modules or organelles, including the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi apparatus and the mitochondria, forming wildly diverse cell types -- precursors to all subsequent plant and animal life on earth. Prokaryotic cells, which include bacteria and archaea, are structurally simple organisms, lacking the complex internal structure found in eukaryotes. All living plant and animal species today have their origins in the Last Eukaryotic Common Ancestor or LECA. The transition from prokaryote to eukaryote has remained a central mystery biologists are still trying to untangle.

How this crucial transition came to be remains a central mystery in biology.


'Frazil ice': Jupiter's ice moon Europa appears to have upside down, underwater snow

Frazil ice
© Helen Glazer 2015, from the project "Walking in Antarctica"Frazil ice under the Antarctic ice shelf. This fluffy, pure "underwater snow" may make up much of the ice sheet of Jupiter's moon Europa.
The shell of Jupiter's famous ice moon may be formed, in part, by pure underwater snow that floats up instead of falling down.

A new study, published in the August issue of the journal Astrobiology, finds that Europa's icy crust might be built partially by "frazil ice," a fluffy accumulation of ice crystals that also builds up beneath ice sheets on Earth. This frazil ice holds a fraction of the salt found in ice that grows from the ice shelf itself, suggesting that Europa's ice sheets may be less salty than previously believed.

"When we're exploring Europa, we're interested in the salinity and composition of the ocean, because that's one of the things that will govern its potential habitability or even the type of life that might live there," study lead author Natalie Wolfenbarger, a graduate student researcher at the University of Texas Institute for Geophysics, said in a statement.

Comment: See also:


China-born scientist targeted by US 'discovers world's best semiconductor'

Gang Chen
© MIT/Handout via ReutersMIT professor Gang Chen was raided by FBI agents and arrested for allegedly hiding connections to Chinese entities, but all charges were dropped in January.
China-born MIT professor Gang Chen, whose name was cleared earlier this year following a high-profile investigation into his alleged China ties, has led a team to discover what they say is the best semiconductor ever found.

In a paper published in the journal Science last month, Chen and colleagues said that a material known as cubic boron arsenide could conduct heat 10 times better than silicon, the most widely used semiconductor.

The new material's extraordinary thermal conductivity makes it a promising candidate for next-generation electronics, according to the paper by Chen and co-authors from MIT, the University of Houston and other US institutions.

Comment: Is it any wonder that such a vague and draconian initiative led to the victimization of innocent people and was subsequently dropped? The above also shows just how innovation and progress are being destroyed by the US' slide into totalitarianism. This is also reflected in its bloated and demonstrably inefficient military budget and the various crashes and failures of its equipment: Satellite photo reveals wreckage of $2 BILLION US B-2 Stealth bomber, landing gear gave way after emergency landing - reports


Best of the Web: Betelgeuse blew its top in 'never seen before behavior of a normal star', NASA finds it 'bouncing' during its recovery

© Elizabeth Wheatley
Analyzing data from NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and several other observatories, astronomers have concluded that the bright red supergiant star Betelgeuse quite literally blew its top in 2019, losing a substantial part of its visible surface and producing a gigantic Surface Mass Ejection (SME). This is something never before seen in a normal star's behavior.

Our Sun routinely blows off parts of its tenuous outer atmosphere, the corona, in an event known as a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME). But the Betelgeuse SME blasted off 400 billion times as much mass as a typical CME!

Comment: Is there more to come? Activity throughout space seems to reflect a wave of change is afoot:


More evidence that the moon came from the Earth

Giant Impact Theory
© Wikipedia
Piecing together the history of the Solar System from the traces left behind isn't easy. Bit by bit, however, we're working it out. This month, new research examining the composition of lunar meteorites offers compelling evidence that the Moon and the Earth were formed from the same material, perhaps in the aftermath of a cataclysmic collision some 4.5 billion years ago.

The so-called Giant Impact theory, in which a Mars-sized planet crashed into the proto-Earth creating the Earth and Moon from the debris, has been a leading evolutionary model for the Earth-Moon system ever since the Apollo program helped scientists get their hands on Moon rocks in the late 1960s. Analysis of the Moon rocks showed striking similarities in the geology of both bodies (specifically, identical stable isotope ratios in the rocks of both worlds), suggesting a common origin for both. But proving it conclusively isn't easy, and, perhaps more importantly, describing the exact nature of the impact and the post-collision timeline is a real challenge.

Patrizia Will of the Institute of Geochemistry and Petrology at ETH Zürich has been working on this very big problem by studying very small samples of lunar meteorites.

Collected in Antarctica (where meteorites are relatively easy to find, standing out from the icy surroundings), the basalt rock meteorites began life as molten magma within the Moon's subsurface. It cooled and solidified, before being protected by a second layer of rock on top of it, isolating it from solar winds and radiation. A high-energy event (like a meteor strike) blasted the rock off the Moon, sending it flying towards Antarctica, where it was finally found.


Sound plus electrical body stimulation has potential to treat chronic pain says new study

New technique could relieve pain for individuals with various chronic and neurological conditions.
Sound and Electric For Pain Treatment
© SONIC Lab, University of MinnesotaA University of Minnesota Twin Cities-led team has found that electrical stimulation of the body combined with sound activates the brain’s somatosensory cortex, increasing the potential for using the technique to treat chronic pain and other sensory disorders.
A University of Minnesota Twin Cities-led team has found that electrical stimulation of the body combined with sound activates the brain's somatosensory or "tactile" cortex, increasing the potential for using the technique to treat chronic pain and other sensory disorders. The researchers tested the non-invasive technique on animals and are planning clinical trials on humans in the near future.

The paper is published in the Journal of Neural Engineering, a highly regarded, peer-reviewed scientific journal for the interdisciplinary field of neural engineering.

During the experiments, the researchers played broadband sound while electrically stimulating different parts of the body in guinea pigs. They found that the combination of the two activated neurons in the brain's somatosensory cortex, which is responsible for touch and pain sensations throughout the body.

While the researchers used needle stimulation in their experiments, one could achieve similar results using electrical stimulation devices, such as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) units, which are widely available for anyone to buy at pharmacies and stores. The researchers hope that their findings will lead to a treatment for chronic pain that's safer and more accessible than drug approaches.