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Best of the Web: Looking into the crystal ball - What will happen next in the corona crisis?

COVID Predictions
© Corbett Report
Sometimes it isn't all that hard to predict the future. All you have to do is listen to what the social engineers are telling you they're going to do.

For example, when the neocons tell you that we need a "new Pearl Harbor" to justify a transformation of America's military, you can bet a new Pearl Harbor is going to arrive as soon as they get into office.

And now, after years of Bill Gates warning us that a pandemic was going to strike and utterly transform the world as we know it. He even went so far as to "simulate" the exact scenario we're living through just before we started living through it.

So, you see my point. Sometimes seeing what's coming next is just a question of listening to what the planners are telling us. Keeping that in mind, let's look at four predictions for how the coronavirus crisis is likely to proceed from here.

Snakes in Suits

Best of the Web: 'Conjured up out of nowhere': Adviser reveals UK govt's 2-meter coronavirus distance instruction based on 'muddy science'

social distance
© Reuters / John Sibley
Social distancing orders for people to keep two metres apart to stop the spread of coronavirus is not based on any scientific research, a government adviser has warned.

Robert Dingwall, from the New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group (Nervtag), said the rule was 'conjured up out of nowhere'.

The sociology professor at Nottingham Trent University said scientific evidence supports a one-metre gap, but the two-metre advice was a 'rule of thumb'.

Nervtag feeds into the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage), which is spearheading the government's pandemic response.


Best of the Web: Elbe Day 75th anniversary is a powerful reminder that Russian-American friendship IS POSSIBLE

April 24, 1945
© RIA NovostiApril 24, 1945
On April 25, 1945, Soviet and American troops warmly embraced each other at the Elbe in Germany. The friendship between the two superpowers that existed then needs to be revived if the world's greatest problems are to be solved.

It's one World War II anniversary that, if you live outside of Russia, you probably haven't heard of.

Elbe Day, when the soldiers of the Red Army 5th Guards, commanded by General Alexey Zhadov, and the US First Army of General Courtenay Hodges met up at the famous German river, was not only an important step towards the ending of World War II and the defeat of the Nazis, it also held out the hope of a better future and close superpower collaboration after that conflict was over.

The sight of American and Russian troops with their arms around each other would horrify foaming-at-the-mouth Russophobic neocons today. But it really happened. The Americans actually arrived on the Elbe weeks before the Soviet troops did. They could have gone on to Berlin themselves, but waited. "Once they recognized us, we were all buddies," one Cpl James J. McDonnell recalled. "We couldn't speak Russian, and they couldn't speak English, but the hugs and handshakes said it all."


Flashback Best of the Web: Bill Gates estimates coming pandemic could kill 30 million in 6 months - says we should prepare as if for war

Bill Gates
© Jack Taylor/Getty Images
  • The next deadly disease that will cause a global pandemic is coming, Bill Gates said on Friday at a discussion of epidemics.
  • We're not ready.
  • An illness like the pandemic 1918 influenza could kill 30 million people within six months, Gates said, adding that the next disease might not even be a flu, but something we've never seen.
  • The world should prepare as it does for war, Gates said.
If there's one thing that we know from history, it's that a deadly new disease will arise and spread around the globe.

That could happen easily within the next decade. And as Bill Gates told listeners on Friday at a discussion about epidemics hosted by the Massachusetts Medical Society and the New England Journal of Medicine, we're not ready.

Gates acknowledged that he's usually the optimist in the room, reminding people that we're lifting children out of poverty around the globe and getting better at eliminating diseases like polio and malaria.

But "there's one area though where the world isn't making much progress," Gates said, "and that's pandemic preparedness."

Comment: Not to minimize the possibility of a pandemic, but Bill and Melinda Gates do seem to have a thing for vaccinating the world: UPDATE 25 April 2020

Bill Gates' obsession with 'pandemic preparedness' sure makes sense now.

Whitney Webb on the Tom Dillon Show: Epstein Pedo Network, 'Elite Master-Race' Project, and the Coronavirus Controlled Demolition of Society

Eye 2

Flashback Best of the Web: The new eugenics? Bill Gates promotes unregulated development of 'Gene Drive' gene editing that has "alarming potential to go awry"

Bill Gates
A major new technology known as Gene Editing has gained significant attention in recent months. Its advocates claim it will revolutionize everything from agriculture production to disease treatment. None other than Bill Gates has just come out in an article in the US foreign policy magazine Foreign Affairs in praise of the promise of gene editing. Yet a closer investigation suggests that all is not so ideal with Gene Editing. New peer reviewed studies suggest it could cause cancer. The question is whether this technology, which is highly controversial, is little more than a stealth way to introduce GMO genetic manipulation by way of another technique.

The scientific magazine, Nature Studies, has published two studies that suggest that gene-editing techniques may weaken a person's ability to fight off tumors, and "could give rise to cancer, raising concerns about for the safety of CRISPR-based gene therapies." The studies were done by Sweden's Karolinska Institute and by the pharmaceutical firm, Novartis. Cells whose genomes are successfully edited by CRISPR-Cas9 have the potential to seed tumors inside a patient the studies found. That could make some CRISPR'd cells ticking time bombs, according to researchers from Karolinska Institute and, in a separate study, by Novartis.

Comment: Ah for the good old days when we worried that the pathocrats tampering with the food supply might increase illnesses in the population.

Since then we've learned that Gates & Co. are attempting to directly 'edit' PEOPLE's genes through mandatory mass vaccination with experimental 'behavior-modifying' vaccines, and that their mad science experiments to create a Master Race and eliminate/control undesirables have literally 'gone awry' and resulted in this COVID-19 lockdown.

Gold Seal

Best of the Web: Whitney Webb on the Tim Dillon Show: Epstein Pedo Network, 'Elite Master-Race' Project, and the Coronavirus Controlled Demolition of Society

gates epstein
"Let's do science together! I'll eliminate undesirables, you create the Master Race!"
Tim has on journalist Whitney Webb to discuss Epstein, Bill Gates, China, and America becoming a surveillance state. Whitney, with permission from Maria Farmer, plays small clips from a 3.5 hour interview recently recorded, that in Whitney's opinion changed her perspective on the Epstein case.

Note for people watching the video: when playing the clips Whitney would instruct me what time stamps I would have to find from her 3.5 hour interview, so that's why there are jump cuts. At one point as well Whitney had to stop the interview to deal with something and we went right back to the pre-recorded call. None of what you heard in the Farmer phone call is edited to be misconstrued or sensationalized.


Best of the Web: Police are revolting against draconian coronavirus edicts from local tyrants

© 1 Gov. Gretchen WHitmer's expanded stay home order bans stores from selling plants and paint, Bridge Photo/Jonathan OostingGov. Gretchen Whitmer's stay home order bans stores selling plants and paint.
Police chiefs from Texas to Washington are standing up against draconian orders from local leaders demanding strict adherence to extreme social distancing measures to curb the spread of the novel Wuhan coronavirus.

The Houston Police Officers' Union declared Wednesday that its members would refrain from enforcing local County Judge Lina Hidalgo's ruling deeming it mandatory for any individual over the age of 10 to wear a mask in public. The union wrote in a statement:
"The Houston Police Officers' Union believes everyone should be wearing a mask in public, in order to protect themselves from the virus and we are encouraging all of our officers to wear a mask.

"However, we draw the line at the draconian measures Hidalgo has decided to engage in. Our officers work every single day to bridge the gap with our community and earn their trust, we will not stand idly by and allow Hidalgo to tear that bridge down, with her horrific leadership and echo chamber decision making."

Comment: Racine County, Wisconsin Sheriff Christopher Schmaling is another example of proper understanding and defense of Americans' constitutional rights:
" I want to take this opportunity to notify Racine County citizens of our position on the enforcement of the Wisconsin Department of Health Services public health emergency orders," said Sheriff Christopher Schmaling in the statement.

"Wisconsin law gives the Governor and the Wisconsin DHS the authority to develop emergency measures and enforce rules and orders to protect the public during a health crisis," he said.

"However, state law does not have the power to supersede or suspend the Constitutional rights of American citizens," added the sheriff.

" I urge the Wisconsin DHS to develop a workable plan that balances the safety of our citizens while at the same time acknowledging the fact that there is a way for business to operate even during the current health situation," said Sheriff Schmaling. I have all the confidence in Racine County business owners that they can make the appropriate adjustments in the way they operate during this difficult time to accommodate for the safety of their employees and guests."

"The overreaching measures taken by State government will have dire lifetime consequences for businesses, homeowners, and families," he said.

The sheriff continued, "I took an oath to uphold the constitutional rights of our citizens and I cannot in good faith participate in the destruction of Racine County businesses or interfere in the freedoms granted to all of us by our Constitution."

The statement further reads, "We will leave the enforcement of public health orders to the health department experts. It is important that we stay focused on our obligations and responsibilities to those areas of the law that we are charged with enforcing. We have and will continue to concentrate our resources and efforts at keeping our roads safe and protecting our citizens from criminal activity."

"Let's get Racine County back on its feet again and move ahead," said Sheriff Schmaling.

To read the complete press release, click here.


Best of the Web: The data is in — Stop the panic!

Comment: Good to see more doctors stepping forwards to help break the spell and bring 'the herd' back to reality.

It's too little too late though. The Agenda is unstoppable now...

covid-19 hospital pandemic
The tragedy of the COVID-19 pandemic appears to be entering the containment phase. Tens of thousands of Americans have died, and Americans are now desperate for sensible policymakers who have the courage to ignore the panic and rely on facts. Leaders must examine accumulated data to see what has actually happened, rather than keep emphasizing hypothetical projections; combine that empirical evidence with fundamental principles of biology established for decades; and then thoughtfully restore the country to function.

Five key facts are being ignored by those calling for continuing the near-total lockdown.

Fact 1: The overwhelming majority of people do not have any significant risk of dying from COVID-19.

The recent Stanford University antibody study now estimates that the fatality rate if infected is likely 0.1 to 0.2 percent, a risk far lower than previous World Health Organization estimates that were 20 to 30 times higher and that motivated isolation policies.

Comment: Actually, it's more like 0.01% . And both the US and global population has nevertheless INCREASED throughout this insanity because the birthrate far exceeds the COVID-19 death rate.


Best of the Web: Dr. Fauci had an assistant doctor fired and jailed in 2011 for warning that vaccines were giving Americans known chronic diseases

Fauci and Gates
Dr. Fauci, not only is connected to Bill Gates and together they are set to make millions on a coronavirus vaccine. But a little known story is how Dr. Fauci ruined the career of a brilliant young doctor who blew the whistle on the harmful consequences attributed to vaccines.

Dr. Judy Mikovitz was a brilliant young doctor with a promising career, until she discovered what she considered to be harmful consequences with vaccines. After she came out with her warnings, she was jailed for identifying the link between vaccines and chronic diseases.

In the first part of the video below, Dr. Mikovitz explains how she was jailed for speaking out about her concerns.

Comment: Given Dr. Fauci's allegiance to Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the corrupt World Health Organization, it should come as no surprise that he would, with 'extreme prejudice', fire a scientist with integrity who threatened to expose the deleterious effects vaccines had - and have - on millions of people. Such facts, if brought forward, would upend the entire vaccine industry - and likely throw many out of their seats of power among a number of the largest government-run health organizations, and billion dollar-generating pharmaceutical companies - including Fauci himself.

And from this article we learn more about Dr. Judy Mikovitz's story:
Top U.S. scientist and research pioneer Dr. Judy Mikovits said she cooperated with the FBI during an investigation of Dr. Anthony Fauci and the National Institute of Health, alleging Fauci was a workplace tyrant who was under investigation for swiping scientific research, covering up tainted vaccines, doling out lucrative federal grants to feckless cronies and much more.

Dr. Mikovits broke her long silence on the Thomas Paine Podcast and revealed an insider's nightmare spanning three decades of conducting research under the governmental control of Fauci. Dr. Mikovits said eventually her widespread allegations of fraud and abuse by Fauci helped spark an investigation by the FBI. Dr. Mikovits said she cooperated with federal law enforcement up through 2014. What happened to the probe? You won't even believe it when you hear it. Dr. Mikovits now accuses the FBI and Justice Department of a massive cover up to protect Fauci and his associates — and sweeping medical scams that continue to endanger Americans. Another FBI scandal. Another Justice Department scandal. And by the way, that was James Comey's FBI and Eric Holder's Justice Department. During the White House administration of Barack Obama. (more below)

These details warrant a host of NEW federal investigations to get to the bottom of numerous Fauci-led schemes revealed by Dr. Mikovits on the Thomas Paine Podcast. Paine also detailed the FBI probe on the Moore Paine Show on Patreon. Dr. Mikovits said Fauci helped imprison her after stealing her proprietary research not once, but twice and her allegations against the White House's coronavirus top medical advisor and his government cronies paint a disturbing portrait of widespread institutional corruption. And greed. The alarming allegations include: stealing research, covering up tainted vaccines, fraud and much more. And Fauci's parent agency, the National Institute of Health is not the only governmental agency involved in what amounts here to decades of corruption gone awry. Listen above or to the backup feed below —

See also:


Best of the Web: Cunningham: Blair comeback is a terrible idea... unless the UK wants to join a US war on China

© Reuters / Toby MelvilleFormer British Prime Minister Tony Blair
For many observing the British government's fiasco over the Covid-19 pandemic, it is like watching a rerun of the Dad's Army sitcom. Then enters former PM Tony Blair and the mood quickly horrifies.

Blair, who has been out of office for nearly 13 years, suddenly made a comeback on certain media outlets this week and was treated by his hosts as if he were some kind of political paragon, offering his "sage" advice on how the government should handle the current crisis.

Careful to not sound too arrogant, the unctuous Blair prefaced his remarks as "constructive criticism" but then went on to propose sweeping reorganization of government strategy. The non-governmental "skill sets" that he advised no doubt is a pitch for private consultants like Blair to be contracted to Whitehall.