Europe refugees
© Leonhard Foeger / Reuters
It's not enough they are destroying their own countries, the un-elected EU is going after the countries working to save theirs.

National sovereignty is essential to a country's survival.
EU Suing Conservative Countries Refusing Orders to Accept Third World Migrants

By Virginia Hale, Breitbart, December 8, 2017:

The EU is to sue Hungary, Poland and the Czech Republic over their refusal to take in third world migrants, the European Commission announced on Thursday.

They will be referred to the European Court of Justice for "non-compliance with their legal obligations on relocation", the commission said in a statement, referring to the three countries' staunch refusal to take part in an EU scheme forcing migrants on unwilling nations.

Passed at the height of the migrant crisis in 2015, the controversial rule dictates that asylum seekers who illegally breach Europe's borders be "fairly" redistributed across the bloc through a quota system.

In its statement, the unelected Commission said that the Visegrad nations of Central Europe "remain in breach of their legal obligations" and "have given no indication that they will contribute to the implementation of the relocation decision"

The decision to pursue countries in Central Europe through the top EU court shows Brussels' "determination" to see third world migrants spread throughout the continent, Deutsche Welle commented.

Responding to the move, Poland's Deputy Foreign Minister Konrad Szymanski said his nation "is ready to defend its position in the Court," and declared: "No one will lift the duty of providing public safety from the Polish government."

A day earlier, the Polish government had announced a deal with the European Investment Bank to give 50 million euros to support third world countries most affected by the migration crisis directly, as an alternative to opening its borders to their citizens.

Foreign Minister Witold Waszczykowski also pointed to the fact Poland issued more than a million work permits last year alone for migrants from the country's conflict-stricken neighbour Ukraine.

The European Commission was also slammed in the Czech Republic by elected representatives across the political spectrum, according to local media.

Newly elected premier Andrej Babiš said it was wrong to force migrants on unwilling nations, while his spokesman denounced the quota system as "interfer[ence] in the Czech Republic's internal affairs."

The EU executive also announced on Thursday it would be escalating its attack on Hungary over measures taken to curb meddling in its domestic affairs by globalist billionaire George Soros.