Society's ChildS


Piers Corbyn, ex-Labour leader's brother, arrested over Covid conspiracy pamphlet comparing vaccinations to Auschwitz

Piers Corbyn
© PA-Press AssociationPiers Corbyn
Jeremy Corbyn's brother Piers has been arrested over the circulation of a sick Covid conspiracy pamphlet comparing vaccinations to Auschwitz. Police confirmed that the 73-year-old was arrested yesterday on "suspicion of malicious communications and public nuisance" after the leaflets appeared through people's letterboxes. Piers Corbyn, the brother of the former Labour leader, came up with the "concept" for a cartoon of the Nazi concentration camp.

The Met Police confirmed today:
"Officers investigating reports of malicious material in the form of a leaflet being circulated in south London in late January have made two arrests. A 73-year-old man was arrested in Southwark on Wednesday, 3 February on suspicion of malicious communications and public nuisance. Another man, 37, was arrested earlier the same day in Bow, east London, on suspicion of a public order offence."
Both men were taken to a south London police station - and have since been bailed to return on a date in early March.

Cops also confirmed that the leaflet in question contained material that appeared to compare the Covid-19 vaccination programme with the Holocaust. The pamphlet features the gates leading into Auschwitz along with a sign which reads: "Vaccines are safe path to freedom". It appeared on Mr Corbyn's website "Stop New Normal" which credits the 73-year-old for coming up with the "concept idea" for the picture [seen below].

Comment: The disrespect for this 'guest' is appalling. What a s**t show and, frankly, painful to watch!


Wyoming Republican party votes to formally censure Liz Cheney, demands resignation, return all state political donations

© unknownLiz Cheney (R-WY)
The Wyoming Republican Party voted overwhelmingly Saturday to censure U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney for voting to impeach President Donald Trump for his role in the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Only eight of the 74-member state GOP's central committee stood to oppose censure in a vote that didn't proceed to a formal count. The censure document accused Cheney of voting to impeach even though the U.S. House didn't offer Trump 'formal hearing or due process.'

'We need to honor President Trump. All President Trump did was call for a peaceful assembly and protest for a fair and audited election,' said Darin Smith, a Cheyenne attorney who lost to Cheney in the Republican U.S. House primary in 2016. 'The Republican Party needs to put her on notice.'

Comment: In Cheney's own words...:

See also:

Arrow Down

NYPD punishes cop for wearing 'politically-oriented patch' on duty

Dana Martillo
© southern_caliphoto, NYCPCThe NYPD said the cop has "received an initial discipline" and that an investigation is ongoing.
The NYPD is disciplining an officer who wore a "politically-oriented patch" while on duty — a day after video surfaced of a sergeant sporting a "Trump Make Enforcement Great Again 2020" patch at a Brooklyn protest.

The female sergeant was spotted at a Black Lives Matter demonstration Friday night outside a precinct in Ft. Greene, wearing a patch which plays off former President Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan, video posted online from the event shows.

The patch featured the skull emblem of Marvel Comics character The Punisher — tweaked to sport a Trump-style coif.

The cop, identified by the Sergeants Benevolent Association on Twitter as Dana Martillo, wore a second patch featuring the Punisher skull.

The NYPD said Martillo has "received an initial discipline" and that an investigation is ongoing.

Comment: It gets worse. Sergeant Martillo is now being described as a domestic terrorist! Check this out from the unhinged over at Crooks and Liars:

crooks and liars headline
© screenshot

Arrow Down

'Mr. Owl, what is national security?': Chinese government releases anti-democracy curriculum for children

Chinese propaganda
© Screenshot/CNA/Youtube
Hong Kong has mandated children be taught an anti-democracy curriculum focused on protecting national security, according to Hong Kong's Education Bureau (EDB).

The new guidelines have been put into place to bolster Chinese national security and sovereignty Thursday, according to a press release from the Hong Kong EDB. The curriculum handed to Hong Kong schools demands the National Security Law be taught to children as young as six. The National Security Law was enacted to handle pro-democracy protests that took place in Hong Kong last June, according to BBC.

"The "reformed" Liberal Studies curriculum would turn to brain washing on patriotism, which is not teachers' wish to be," Tin Fong Chak, vice president of the Hong Kong Professional Teachers Union tweeted Thursday.

Comment: The cultural and governmental issues between China and Hong Kong are not black and white. From a long-term, geopolitical view, it's clear Western forces have used Hong Kong as a force to undermine and weaken China in order to maintain hedgemony. From a more local perspective, the Chinese have largely accepted and integrated pathological Maoist ideology in their culture and forms of government. Hong Kong has not, which will naturally lead to continued conflict. Children shouldn't be concerned with matters of national security, whether it is from Eastern or Western sources. Such tactics are strongly lacking in character, which is something that is missing from most all curriculum the world over.

No Entry

Twitter indefinitely suspends Gateway Pundit account after announcement of more video showing TCF Center election fraud will be released

twitter account suspended
Earlier today we tweeted out an update on our ongoing investigation of the Detroit TCF Center on November 4, 2020.

On Friday The Gateway Pundit released exclusive video from the TCF Center showing late-night deliveries of tens of thousands of votes to the TCF Center HOURS AFTER the deadline to turn in absentee ballots. The absentee ballots were counted before election day. The only absentee ballots they had left to count came in from the Zuckerberg boxes that were checked hourly.

We have much more on this incident to report on in the coming days.

In our Saturday tweet we announced that we have more video coming from the TCF Center the November 4th.

And we also warned the careless fact-checkers that we have more information coming that they excluded from their reports on Friday and Saturday.

Jim Hoft tweet

Comment: RT had more coverage of the indefinite suspension of Gateway Pundit:
The founder and editor of the right-wing Gateway Pundit website has been permanently banned from Twitter, leaving the liberal left "thrilled" and conservatives wondering who will be silenced next.

The @gatewaypundit Twitter handle belonging to Jim Hoft with more than 375,000 followers was abruptly banned on Saturday night. "The account was permanently suspended for repeated violations of our civic integrity policy," a Twitter spokesperson confirmed in a brief statement.

Twitter did not clarify which violation was the last straw, as the account seemed to be not very active recently. The conservative publication itself has long faced criticism from the left for pushing "lies" and "conspiracies."

Twitter's recently updated civic integrity policy introduces a system of strikes and increasingly severe punishments, among other things, for pushing "disputed claims that could undermine faith in the process itself, such as unverified information about election rigging, ballot tampering, vote tallying, or certification of election results."

"Oh s**t they got my boss," journalist and Pundit contributor Cassandra Fairbanks tweeted. In response to 'you're next!' threats, she quipped that from now on she will be careful not to wrongthink and will only tweet the opposite of what she believes.

Liberals celebrated the ban, many openly delighting, while others wondered what took Twitter so long.

Some sought to justify the move, not as the latest act of censorship of conservative voices, but rather a sincere desire by a private corporation to "limit the spread of dangerous disinformation."


Second Hong Kong radio host arrested under colonial era sedition law

Wan Yiu-sing arrest hong kong radio host
© Apple DailyWan Yiu-sing
Authorities did not disclose what 52-year-old Wan Yiu-sing had said or did that was potentially seditious.

A Hong Kong internet radio host was arrested on Sunday under a little-used colonial era sedition law that authorities have begun to wield against Beijing's critics.

Officers from the police's national security department arrested 52-year-old Wan Yiu-sing on a charge of "seditious intent", according to a police statement. Authorities did not disclose what Wan had said or did that was potentially seditious.

The radio personality, better known by his DJ name "Giggs", has hosted programmes discussing anti-government demonstrations and previously called for donations to support young Hong Kongers who have fled to nearby Taiwan.

Comment: Looks like the 'color revolution' is still simmering in Hong Kong, despite its being out of the news.


Hundreds march in Copenhagen to protest Covid-19 lockdown & plans for vaccination passports

denmark covid passport protest
© RuptlyCopenhagen citizens march in protest over proposed vaccine passports
People opposing the Danish government's response to the Covid-19 pandemic marched through the capital in a fresh protest on Saturday. Unlike some previous events, this week's gathering remained peaceful and prompted no arrests.

The protest was organized by the 'Men in Black' group, who are unhappy with Denmark's partial lockdown and the looming rollout of a digital system which will track vaccinations and issue certificates confirming people's inoculation status. The passports are to be used for international travel and potentially to give access to public venues in Denmark itself.

Comment: Isn't it a bit suspicious that this idea is popping up all over the world nearly simultaneously? Kinda like every government is on the same page?

Bad Guys

Who are Political Extremists? Bank of America handed over customer data to feds following Capitol riot

At least one person was interviewed by agents based on info from America's second-largest bank
Tucker Carlson
There has been an enormous amount of talk -- not just this week, but over the last month -- about violent extremism and the people who embrace it. Those people, we're told, are domestic terrorists who must be put down by force. The war on terror has moved stateside. Extremists are inside our country, and we must hunt them down.

We're hearing those words nonstop, not just on cable news, but from elected officials, including some Republicans. We're hearing it from the leaders of federal law enforcement agencies and the intelligence agencies. We're hearing it from the Pentagon. Just this week, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin ordered the entire U.S. military to "stand down" while investigators cleanse the ranks of political extremists.

Comment: See also:


PLOT TWIST: Judge rejects Dem lawsuit alleging voting-machine irregularities, Republican Claudia Tenney wins in #NY22 by 109 votes

claudia tenney
It's official.

Republican Claudia Tenney has won the race for New York 22nd congressional district:

Comment: See also:


'Burn it down!' Far-left extremists are now openly marching at the Capitol threatening violence

DC protest
The U.S. media has relentlessly hyped the fizzling threat of "far-right" extremism. It failed to manifest itself on January 20th, seemingly to the disappointment of radical leftists.

MSNBC's demented host Nicolle Wallace even not-so-subtly suggested drone-bombing these allegedly ubiquitous "domestic terrorists," presumably not referring to Antifa thugs or radicalized BLM agitators.

This is what is going on in Washington D.C. tonight.

Comment: See also: