Society's ChildS

Bizarro Earth

Dutch freeze international adoptions after commission reveals some children stolen or bought from parents

adoption baby
The commission studied adoptions from 1967-1998 in five countries including Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka.
The Netherlands is freezing international adoptions after a government commission found some children had been stolen or bought from their birth parents in cases going back to the 1960s.

The commission was set up under pressure from increasing numbers of grown up adopted children who began to research their roots and often found that their birth documents had been forged or lost, or that their adoption had been illegal.

It looked at adoptions from Bangladesh, Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka from 1967 to 1998.

Comment: The Netherlands and its government have been plagued by scandal and controversy of late, just what is going on behind the scenes?


Myanmar sees largest protest in over a decade as supporters of ousted civilian leadership demand generals reverse coup

Myanmar protest
© REUTERS / StringerProtest in Naypyitaw, Myanmar.
Thousands of people in Myanmar participated in protest marches over the weekend, decrying the military coup. As tensions escalated, shots were reportedly fired in the air as police confronted one of the rallies.

The incident, which reportedly happened in the border town of Myawaddy on Sunday, shows the fragility of the situation. The mass protests - the largest Myanmar has seen since the 2007 crisis - have so far been largely peaceful, but the country remains in a volatile state since the start of the coup on Monday.

The protesters are demanding the release of State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi, President Win Myint, and others arrested by the military, and for the civilian government to be back in power. The generals have declared a year-long state of emergency and ousted Myanmar's leadership, accusing Suu Kyi's National League for Democracy Party (NLD) of rigging last November's general election.


'They abused their authority,' nurse says COVID-19 vaccines given to friends of nursing home management

Villa Leonardo Gambin
Villa Leonardo Gambin
Villa Leonardo Gambin facing questions over Moderna vaccine doses, which are only usable for six hours after vial is opened.

A nurse at a GTA long-term-care home hit hard by COVID-19 is speaking out after she says she was tasked with giving vaccine doses to the chair of the board and a handful of friends and family of management who had been called in because there was no other plan for a vial set to expire.

Villa Leonardo Gambin, an independent not-for-profit, long-term-care home in Woodbridge, received a shipment of Moderna vaccines in the second week of January, with shots earmarked for residents, staff and essential caregivers, meaning family members who helped with a resident's care.

Comment: It says a lot about the effectiveness of the "vaccine" propaganda that people are quibbling over who gets the shot and calling foul on anyone jumping the queue. It looks like people are quite defensive about getting their dose of side effects.

See also:


UK plans to tax firms that profited from pandemic: Sunday Times

Rishi Sunak
© REUTERS/Henry Nicholls/File PhotoBritain's Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak leaves Downing Street, in London, Britain, November 25, 2020.
Britain plans to tax retailers and tech companies whose profits have soared during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Sunday Times reported, citing leaked emails.

The government has summoned companies to discuss how an online sales tax would work, while plans are also being drawn up for a one-off "excessive profits tax", the newspaper reported.

Finance minister Rishi Sunak is unlikely to announce these taxes at the budget announcement scheduled for March 3, which will focus on an extension of the COVID-19 furlough programme and support for businesses, the report said.


Georgia substitute elementary school teacher charged with 19 counts of child molestation

Amelia Ressler
© Carroll County Sheriff's Office
A Georgia substitute teacher has been arrested and charged with 19 counts of child molestation, police announced.

Staff at Mt. Zion Elementary School in Carrollton alerted Carroll County investigators on Friday regarding allegations of misconduct by a substitute teacher, Carroll County Sheriff's Office reported on Facebook.

Investigators reported that the teacher, identified as Carrollton resident Amelia Ressler, engaged in "indecent and immoral acts while in the presence of school-aged children."

Comment: More from Heavy:
Ressler was seen on video touching herself inappropriately in front of a second grade class, Carroll County communication director Ashley Hulsey told CBS 46. The class was being held in person, not over Zoom or on another video platform, police said.

"It's disturbing. That's what it is. Where she was sitting, it wasn't like it was a closed desk and couldn't look up and visually see what she was doing at the time," Hulsey told the news station. She said someone in the community saw the video and reported it to authorities.

"It appears she was masturbating while the classroom was full of kids," Hulsey told Fox 5 Atlanta. "We obtained video evidence because she videoed it herself and disseminated it and we were able to get a hold of that evidence."

Ressler posted the 13-second masturbation video on Snapchat that led to her arrest, according to The Exposure, which obtained the video clip and information about it. The Georgia-based social media page also posted a screenshot of the video showing Ressler, wearing yoga pants and mittens, with her feet up on a desk. Another screenshot shows her hand between her legs.

Chart Pie

Poll: 64 percent of GOP voters say they would join a Trump-led new party

gop support for trump third party
A majority of Republican voters said if former President Trump were to start a new political party they would likely join, a new Hill-HarrisX poll finds.

Sixty-four percent of registered Republican voters in the Jan. 28-29 survey said they'd join a new political party led by the former president, including 32 percent who said they would very likely join.

By contrast, 36 percent of Republican respondents said they are either very or somewhat unlikely to join.

Comment: Marjorie Taylor Greene says Trump still "owns" the Republican Party. From the Washington Examiner:
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said Friday that former President Donald Trump still rules the Republican Party and said the impeachment push against him is a "circus" that enriches the same media companies that have cashed in on "fake outrage" and deepened the nation's political divisions.


The 46-year-old married mother of three praised Mr. Trump, describing him as a fighter for the "forgotten man."

"Republican voters support him still," she said. "The party is his. It doesn't belong to anybody else."

Ms. Greene has been a vocal ally of Mr. Trump and has claimed the 2020 presidential election was stolen.
And keep in mind how many of the American public believe Biden is not the legitimate President of the United States. From Gateway Pundit:
AP Poll: 65% Of Republicans Say Biden Was Not Legitimately Elected
February 6, 2021 at 8:25am

You're not alone - Lots of Republican voters don't buy into the results of the fraudulent election.

According to a new poll, 65% of Republicans say that Joe Biden was not legitimately elected.

From The Washington Times:
About two-thirds of Republicans say Joe Biden was not legitimately elected president, according to a new poll conducted barely two weeks after he was inaugurated.

The poll from The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research shows 33% of Republicans say Biden was legitimately elected as the 46th president of the United States, while 65% say he was not. Overall, roughly two-thirds of Americans say Biden was legitimately elected; nearly all Democrats say so.
With this much alleged support, maybe a Trump-lead third party isn't such a crazy idea.


Best of the Web: Jonathan Sumption: 'Zero Covid is a mirage, the virus is here to stay and we all (even Sage scientists) need to learn to live with it'

shoppers with masks
Coronavirus has divided society. A chasm of mutual misunderstanding and resentment has opened up.

On one side are people who want to be allowed to make their own judgments about risk, in the light of their own vulnerabilities and those of the people around them. On the other side are people who think their safety depends on coercing their fellow citizens into accepting the judgment of Government Ministers.

Despite the optimism created by the vaccines, powerful voices are still exploiting public fears to keep us locked up for longer and impose distancing rules indefinitely in pursuit of the mirage of zero Covid.

There is concern that medical scientists are moving the goalposts, changing their objectives in a way that would keep us locked up for longer, perhaps indefinitely.

Those of us who point to the staggering collateral cost of such policies are drowned out by outbursts of emotion and abuse from people who behave as if nothing matters except reducing the Covid death toll.

Comment: See also:


CDC says schools are safe, but Biden continues to ignore science, doctors

© CNBCBiden's CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky
"There is increasing data to suggest that schools can safely reopen and that safe reopening does not suggest that teachers need to be vaccinated in order to reopen safely. Vaccination of teachers is not a prerequisite for the safe reopening of schools." - CDC Director Rochelle Walensky
Great news, right? If you're a single parent who's been trying to work while raising children and attempting to home school for the past 10 months, that CDC assessment may qualify as the best news you've heard in your adult life.

But on cue, here comes the teacher unions that don't seem to have the wellbeing of students near the top of their priority lists. Youth suicides continue to skyrocket amid the pandemic, while kids increasingly zoom out from Zoom classes and fall further behind in their education. Some unions argue that conditions for safely reopening still aren't there, pointing to a need for all teachers to be vaccinated despite Walensky pointing to data that say vaccinations are not a prerequisite.

The one person who could put an end to this stalemate is President Biden, but that would require a backbone.

Airplane Paper

White House: NYC, Portland, Seattle 'anarchists jurisdiction' labels may go away

© Alex Brandon/APWhite House Press Secretary Jen Psaki
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Friday that the Biden administration will be "charting our own path" in response to a question about whether New York City, Portland and Seattle will lose their federal "anarchist jurisdiction" labels.

Russ Vought, who was Trump's director of the White House Office of Management and Budget and a leading advocate of the "anarchist" designation, told The Post that President Biden should keep the policy to promote public safety.

"My hope would be that the Biden administration would refuse to subsidize with taxpayer dollars failed leadership at the state and local levels that has caused unrest and destruction in many communities. It's my hope, not my expectation," said Vought, who is now president of the Center for American Restoration.

The impact of the designation was potentially severe. New York, for example, gets about $7 billion in annual federal aid.

New York made the list for cutting $1 billion from the NYPD budget amid a near-tripling of shootings in July and August.

Ice Cube

Biden team to meet with Ice Cube to discuss 'Contract with Black America', having snubbed him on the campaign trail

Ice Cube
© Streeter Lecka/Getty ImagesIce Cube
Rapper-actor and basketball mogul Ice Cube will meet with President Joe Biden (D) to talk about his "Contract with Black America" following the Biden team's initial refusal to meet with him during the presidential race.

"They reached out; we gotta set the meeting," Ice Cube said during an appearance on the Ryan Cameron: Uncensored radio show this week, noting that the administration reached out on Tuesday. The award-winning rapper, who has been advocating his "Contract with Black America," said:
"I would love to bring some people in; I work with some great experts who know the root of the problem much better than me. I would love to bring in the specialists I have and the experts I have to see what we can do to start moving the ball down the field."
The proposal includes a demand for a bill to "guarantee black opportunity and representation." It also calls for the removal of Confederate monuments and includes overarching demands for a series of reforms in a variety of areas, including bank lending, prison, judicial, and law enforcement. The megastar emphasized that he is ready and available to meet with the president's team and expressed hope that "everything will be positive."

Ice Cube came under fire last year after working with former President Trump on his "Platinum Plan," specifically, which would "create 3 million jobs for black Americans and would see $500 billion for economic, educational, and financial investments in black communities across the country," as Breitbart News reported.

Comment: He might promise but it is hard to imagine Biden actualizing anything of substance even close to Trump's offer. This 'quest' is equally about IC's celebrity, optics, laurels and payback.
Plans are in motion for a White House visit later this month. Ice Cube said Biden needed to back up his words by enacting "specialty programs."
"You know me, I'm all about reparations. It seems like a bad word to this administration but we gotta change that. We gotta have them speaking about reparations and add some fairness to this system."
The rapper described the document as a "blueprint to achieve racial economic justice." Aside from economic initiatives aimed at providing financial assistance to black Americans, the proposal calls for criminal justice and education reforms.

Biden told State Department staff that "racial equity" will be "the business of the whole of government and all of our federal policies and institutions."

Ice Cube has has been pitching his agenda to both Democrats and Republicans in hopes that his controversial ideas, particularly the idea of compensating black Americans as a form of contrition over slavery, will take root. Biden's team about the proposal and that he's open to cooperating with "anyone who will work with me."

Trump's administration pushed through criminal justice reform that received support from rappers Lil Wayne and Kanye West.
See also: