Society's ChildS


Linares, Spain: Riot police called in to suppress protest against police officers who assaulted father and 14-year-old daughter

Violent clashes between protestors and police in Jaén following Friday's incident where two off-duty police officers beat up a father and daughter
attack police linares
© elespanol.comThe incident at the cafe, left, and the injured father, right
Following an incident on Friday afternoon (February 12), when videos were shared on social media of a father and his 14-year old daughter being brutally attacked by two off-duty National Police officers on the terrace of the La Galería cafeteria in Linares, Jaen on Friday, and the subsequent arrest of the two officers - one of them the deputy inspector of the police station of Linares - hundreds of residents of the town have taken to the streets today to protest.

Tensions were very high as the streets of the town in the vicinity of the police station filled with angry demonstrators, with Hernán Cortés street, where the police station is located, having to be cordoned off by police cars and riot police, due to the increasing numbers of people.

The crowd spilled over into the adjacent Bailen Street, where protestors clashed with police officers, with containers being overturned and set on fire, and people throwing stones and other objects at the police. Riscos Street is also cordoned off, and some locals have described the atmosphere in this area of Linares to Diariosur as being like a 'powder keg'.

Comment: Here's footage of the 'off-duty' police officers beating the father (and later the daughter, who attempts to stop the brutal assault). It's disturbing to watch, so please watch at your discretion:

According to this report, both father and daughter sustained serious facial injuries. The coppers involved have since been arrested - which is probably for their own good because the whole town reacted when they saw the above footage by seeking them out in order to give them a little justice of their own. Riot police have since been called in to scatter the protesters:

We can't yet establish what the original 'offense' was - what led the police to assault the father and daughter - but we would not be surprised to learn that it was 'lockdown-related'.

The situation isn't just a 'powder keg' in this small city in Spain; the situation is ripe for vigilante 'snapback' right across the West.

Eye 1

'Avoidable deaths': Do Not Resuscitate orders issued AGAIN - People with learning disabilities targeted during second lockdown

ambulance uk
© Nathan Stirk/Getty Images'People with learning disabilities already get a raw deal from the health services.'
People with learning disabilities have been given do not resuscitate orders during the second wave of the pandemic, in spite of widespread condemnation of the practice last year and an urgent investigation by the care watchdog.

Mencap said it had received reports in January from people with learning disabilities that they had been told they would not be resuscitated if they were taken ill with Covid-19.

The Care Quality Commission said in December that inappropriate Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) notices had caused potentially avoidable deaths last year.

Comment: These orders were given at year ago, at the beginning of manufactured crisis, in March 2020 for people with critical conditions and then again in April 2020 for those with learning disabilities. With over a year to assess the real threat that of this harmless virus, that they're invoking them again is inexcusable.

Comment: One gets the impression that UK policy is pushing for Do Not Resuscitate orders to apply permanently for those with disabilities: Bear in mind hospitals aren't anymore 'overwhelmed' than previous years: NHS had 15% LESS patients this December compared to 2019 - Any crisis is due to budget cuts, staff shortages and excessive measures

Also check out SOTT radio's: NewsReal #34: Covid By Numbers


Amazon sues NY attorney general to stop virus probe

amazon sign
© AP Photo/Michel Spingler
Amazon is suing the attorney general of New York in a bid to stop her from suing the company over its coronavirus safety protocols and the firing of one of its outspoken workers.

In the lawsuit filed Friday in Brooklyn federal court, Amazon said Attorney General Letitia James overstepped her authority by trying to regulate coronavirus safety protocols at its warehouse in New York's Staten Island borough.

The company said James threatened to sue if Amazon didn't agree to her list of demands, including rehiring the worker, Christian Smalls, and paying him and another fired worker large sums of money.


And then they came for Hercules: Facebook removes conservative actor Kevin Sorbo's account with 500,000 followers

Kevin Sorbo
© REUTERS/Kevork DjansezianActor Kevin Sorbo in Beverly Hills, California July 9, 2014.
Facebook has deleted the official account of actor Kevin Sorbo, marking the latest Big Tech takedown of a conservative. Sorbo, an avowed Donald Trump supporter, has been openly critical of Covid-19 restrictions.

Sorbo, who starred in 1990s television series 'Hercules: The Legendary Journeys', said on Twitter Friday that Facebook shut down his account, which had more than 500,000 followers.

It was not immediately clear why the tech giant took such drastic action against Sorbo, who has courted controversy for doubting the effectiveness of masks amid the Covid-19 pandemic, as well as for his unwavering support of ex-president Donald Trump after the Capitol riot.

Sorbo himself gave no explanation for the shutdown and provided a link to a new Facebook page.

Comment: See also:

Pocket Knife

Retirement home removed door handles 'trapping' COVID-19 positive residents in rooms: whistleblower

white cliffe terrace retirement community toronto
Durham Regional Police are now investigating after a whistleblower at a Courtice retirement home says management removed the door handles on rooms of COVID-19 positive residents, "trapping" them in their suites for days in a bid to halt the spread of the deadly virus.

The employee, who wished to remain anonymous, tells CityNews that a manager at the White Cliffe Terrace Retirement Residence ordered maintenance staff to remove door handles on some fourth-floor assisted living suites last week.

The employee claims it was done to prevent COVID-19 positive residents from freely moving around the facility.

Comment: Why is it that a lockdown that is supposed to be in place to 'protect the elderly' seems to harm the elderly more than any other group?

Eye 2

Jessica Yaniv accused of harassing emergency first responders with 'lewd conduct'

jessica yaniv
Canadian transgender activist Jessica Yaniv is in the news again. This time, she's accused of sexually harassing firefighters and abusing emergency services, according to a letter written by the counsel representing the Township of Langley.

Yaniv, 34, who now goes by "Jessica Simpson," was given a notice by the British Columbia city that she would be billed for emergency services following over thirty frivolous 911 calls she made since Jan. 21. The Township also accuses her of engaging in "inappropriate and lewd conduct."

"Your conduct has created, among other things, an inappropriate and unsafe environment for Fire Department staff," the letter reads. "This letter serves as formal notice to you that you will be charged under the Township's bylaws, including the Township's Fire Prevention Bylaw, for all future calls for assistance to the Fire Department that do not relate to a medical emergency."

Comment: See also:


MSM's narrative about the murderous Capitol mob has collapsed, but don't let that get in the way of a good political lynching

memorial service Brian Sicknick
© Reuters / Kevin DietschA memorial service is held for officer Brian Sicknick on February 3 in the US Capitol Rotunda.
As their dishonest narrative collapses around them, mainstream media outlets and Democrat politicians are trying to hold together their latest bid to destroy Donald Trump, but some of the lies are getting too big to shrug off.

I'm reminded of the media-speak popularized during the Trump era - lightly used words or phrases that became ubiquitous in the talking points, like "violating norms" - especially the term "debunked." In the eyes of MSM and their controllers, Trump was a president who needed to be debunked thousands of times. Whether it was about the size of his Inauguration Day crowd, the animal-like savagery of MS-13 gang-bangers or the fact that Haiti is "a s**thole", any Trump claim had to be debunked, false or not.

When an obnoxious loudmouth constantly blurts out things that lift the skirt on the ruling class' treachery, his voice must be discredited. And even if just part of his story can be attacked, the rest will be forgotten. It's like a Jenga game where all the pieces automatically fall down when one is removed.

But the same standard doesn't apply to the media's own story lines. No matter how many times MSM and establishment politicians are exposed as liars -- from the MLK bust in the Oval Office to the Russia collusion hoax -- the people are supposed to keep believing the gist of their arguments. The Jenga tower can be levitating with entire floors missing, but the con artists insist that it's still standing.

Comment: See also:


Why are nations imposing Covid lockdowns called democratic, while those setting citizens free are branded authoritarian?

lockdown in Israel
© REUTERS/Ammar AwadNational lockdown in Israel
It's a topsy-turvy world when nations putting millions of people under house arrest are ranked among the globe's most 'free' countries - yet that's exactly what the Economist magazine's latest survey claims.

Hey, people of the world. Do you still live in a free country? It may be hard to tell these days, given all of the restrictions that have been introduced into your daily life over the past year, and which in many cases have yet to let up. To give you a hand, the prestigious Economist magazine has taken it upon itself to let you know whether you're actually free or not.

Logically, you'd think that the more restrictions introduced in the name of the pandemic would mean a lower civil liberties score. But the Economist makes its pro-lockdown position clear at the outset: "That the course of the pandemic has proved lockdown skeptics wrong does not mean that they should have been prevented from expressing their views, however erroneous some proved to be."

The Economist neglected to present any evidence to support the notion that strict lockdown alternatives are the best option for freedom, democracy, and the economy (or even for being the best way to tackle the pandemic). Instead, it just assumes the position that countries really didn't have a choice whether to lockdown, when they absolutely did. It then pays lip-service to the notion of free speech by arguing that those anti-lockdown cranks should have at least been allowed to speak. It's not like even the Economist set the free speech example by giving lockdown skeptics the front page of its magazine to make their case, though, did it? Perhaps it could answer that question first before pointing fingers at others.

Light Saber

Beijing's Retaliation: BBC World News banned from broadcasting in China

BBC Stop Lying
© Getty Images / Dave ThompsonChinese students protest outside the BBC in Manchester, April 19, 2008
BBC World News has been banned from the Chinese airwaves, Beijing's state-controlled TV network announced. The tit-for-tat move comes after the UK media regulator, Ofcom, revoked the broadcast license of the Chinese CGTN network.

China's National Radio and Television Administration (NRTA) announced the ban on Thursday, stating that the BBC's reports "violated the requirements that news should be truthful and fair, harmed China's national interests, and undermined China's national unity."

The "reports" in question likely refer to BBC Newsnight's coverage of China's Xinjiang province, where the government is detaining Uighur Muslims in what it calls a "deradicalization" program. Western governments and activists have accused Beijing of waging a campaign of genocide against the Uighurs.

Comment: See also:

Black Cat

WH spokesman TJ Ducklo suspended without pay for threatening Politico reporter - UPDATE: Ducklo quits

ducklo palmeri white house
© Fox News/GettyDeputy White House press secretary TJ Ducklo and Politico reporter Tara Palmeri
White House spokesman TJ Ducklo has been suspended without pay for threatening to "destroy" a Politico journalist for reporting about his relationship.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki announced the one-week suspension on Friday, saying Ducklo has apologized to the reporter, Tara Palmeri, and "is the first to acknowledge this is not the standard of behavior set out by the President."

"In addition to his initial apology, he has sent the reporter a personal note expressing his profound regret," Psaki tweeted.

Comment: More from Fox News:
President Biden warned staffers last month that if they weren't respectful to others their jobs would be on the line - but a press office aide accused of threatening and making misogynistic remarks to a female reporter still has his.

"If you're ever working with me, and I hear you treat another colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone, I promise you I will fire you on the spot," Biden told new aides during a swearing-in ceremony on Inauguration Day, Jan. 20. "On the spot."

"I will destroy you," Ducklo allegedly told Palmeri in an off-the-record call that also took place on Jan. 20, according to a Vanity Fair report published Friday.

The next day, Politico's Playbook column, which Palmeri helps write, questioned whether Biden's promise to fire disrespectful aides applied to "how mid-level press aides treat reporters."

Both Palmeri and a male colleague separately reached out to Ducklo last month to inquire about his romantic relationship with Axios reporter Alexi McCammond, a potential conflict of interest since she was covering the White House, Vanity Fair revealed.

In the off-the-record call, Ducklo allegedly threatened to attack her reputation if she published the story and hurled profanities and other insults.
UPDATE 02/13/2021: The White House announced Ducklo's resignation: