Science & TechnologyS


How genetics is proving that race is not necessarily a social construct

© Angie Wang
In 1942, the anthropologist Ashley Montagu published "Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race," an influential book that argued that race is a social concept with no genetic basis. A classic example often cited is the inconsistent definition of "black." In the United States, historically, a person is "black" if he has any sub-Saharan African ancestry; in Brazil, a person is not "black" if he is known to have any European ancestry. If "black" refers to different people in different contexts, how can there be any genetic basis to it?

Beginning in 1972, genetic findings began to be incorporated into this argument. That year, the geneticist Richard Lewontin published an important study of variation in protein types in blood. He grouped the human populations he analyzed into seven "races" - West Eurasians, Africans, East Asians, South Asians, Native Americans, Oceanians and Australians - and found that around 85 percent of variation in the protein types could be accounted for by variation within populations and "races," and only 15 percent by variation across them. To the extent that there was variation among humans, he concluded, most of it was because of "differences between individuals."

In this way, a consensus was established that among human populations there are no differences large enough to support the concept of "biological race." Instead, it was argued, race is a "social construct," a way of categorizing people that changes over time and across countries.

Comment: See Also: Also check out SOTT radio's: The Truth Perspective: Does Racism, Sexism, Homophobia etc. Actually Exist?


Inflammation can turn your hair grey says new study

Grey Hair
© Gary John Norman/Getty ImagesLinks between genes that code for melanin and those involved with immune response could explain cases of sudden greying.
A newly discovered link between genes that contribute to hair colour and those involved in immunity and inflammation may explain why hair can turn grey in response to severe illness or chronic stress.

The finding, made using mouse models, is published in the journal PLOS Biology.

Hair fibres are primarily made of keratin, a long relatively colourless structural protein. In hair follicles, cells called melanocytes make the pigment melanin and transfer it to the cells that produce keratin. The melanin is then incorporated into the hair fibre.

The most common form of the pigment is eumelanin, which has a brown-black colour. Pheomelanin, however, is reddish. High levels of eumelanin lead to darker hair, while high levels of pheomelanin produce red hair. Variations in the ratios of these melanins produce the wide range of natural hair colours we've come to know.

Melanocytes only live for three to five years, but melanocyte stem cells produce new ones. As we lose these cells with age, new hair eventually appears whitish or grey.

Eye 1

The eyes reveal: Scientists create 'mind-reading' AI that predicts personality based on the motion and size of your pupils

Eye movements linked personality
The eyes really are a window to the soul, according to scientists who have created a 'mind-reading' AI that can predict your personality from looking at small eye movements and blinking.
You[r] eyes may be able to reveal more about you than you realise.

Scientists have created a 'mind-reading' AI that can predict your personality from looking at pupil movements and blinking.

Curious people tend to look around more and open-minded people stare at abstract images for longer periods of time, researchers revealed.

Comment: Researchers in the field of artificial intelligence are so keen to discover the inner workings of our minds that it's difficult not to suspect that the real intent is to learn how to better manipulate and control the populace.


Moonset: Moon 'vanishes' rapidly behind Earth in stunning video by Russian ISS cosmonaut

© Oleg A / YouTube
Russian cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev has filmed a stunning video of the moon "vanishing" mysteriously behind the Earth during moonset, as seen from the International Space Station (ISS).

The short video filmed by the cosmonaut, who is currently aboard the ISS, was published on social media earlier this week. It provides a fresh perspective of the Earth's only natural satellite, which appears fast and agile rather than slow, as seen from Earth.


Genomic revolution: Has your genome been hacked?

© Connect world/shutterstock.comWhat secrets will your DNA give away?
On April 25, California law enforcement announced the possible capture of a long-sought serial killer. Shortly after, it was reported that police had used public DNA databases to determine his identity.

This extraordinary event highlights that when you send off a cheek swab to one of the private genome companies, you may sacrifice not just your own privacy but that of your family and your ancestors.

In a time of widespread anxiety over the misuse of social media, Americans should also be concerned over who has access to their genetic information.

Comment: Special investigation: How my genome was hacked
You might have thought that genome hacking requires specialist skills, and personal access to sophisticated equipment. But in recent years, some companies have started to offer personal genome scans to the public over the internet. Other firms routinely analyse genomes on behalf of scientists involved in human genetics research. In theory, both types of service are vulnerable to abuse by a genome hacker determined to submit someone else's DNA for covert analysis.

Solar Flares

Earth hit by G2 geomagnetic storm

Solar Storms emanating from Sun
© NASASolar Storms emanating from Sun.
A massive solar storm or geomagnetic storm is expected to hit earth on May 6, as stated in a report by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).

According to the report, the sun has opened its three coronal holes due to which a huge amount of cosmic particles are being ejected towards earth. These cosmic particles would eventually result into a solar storm, the report said further.

Reportedly, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in statement said that according to its forecasters G1-class geomagnetic storms are possible when the gaseous material arrives.

The statement also asked the high latitude sky watchers to remain alert for weekend auroras, especially in the southern hemisphere. However, experts believe that the solar storm might have far more serious consequences than just the Southern Lights.

It is being speculated that the solar storm may result into a partial Tech Blackout on earth as it may affect the satellite-based technology of the planet.

Comment: reports:
Geomagnetic storms have intensified to category G2 as Earth moves deeper into a stream of fast-moving solar wind. The gaseous material is flowing from a wide hole in the sun's atmosphere. High-latitude sky watchers should be alert for auroras, especially in the southern hemisphere where deepening autumn darkness favors the visibility of Southern Lights.


Dan­cer's brain activity dis­play fre­quen­cies linked to emo­tion and memory pro­cesses

Neuroscience has studied music for decades, and it has been found to activate both the cortical and deeper brain areas. Neuroscience of dance, instead, is a young but quickly growing field.
© 123RFThe change in music was apparent in the dancer's brain as a reflex before they are even aware of it at a conscious level.
In her doctoral dissertation, Master of Science Hanna Poikonen developed methods for understanding the processes that dance generates in the cortex at the Cognitive Brain Research Unit of University of Helsinki. In her research project, she compared the brain functions of professional dancers and musicians to people with no experience of dance or music as they watched recordings of a dance piece.

According to the results, the brain activity of the dancers was different from that of musicians and the control group during sudden changes in the music, long-term listening of music and the audio-visual dance performance.



Russian MoD: Ten MiG-31 with Kinzhal missiles unveiled by Putin ready for combat use

The crew of the Russian Aerospace Forces MiG-31
© Russian Defence MinistryThe crew of the Russian Aerospace Forces MiG-31 have conducted simulated firing of Kinzhal hypersonic aeroballistic missile with a small radar signature and high maneuverability
Ten MiG-31 interceptors (NATO reporting name: Foxhound) with Kinzhal ("Dagger") hypersonic missiles able to penetrate air defense are on trial combat duty and ready for use, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yuriy Borisov said.

"MiG-31 is the carrier [of Kinzhal hypersonic missile], this aircraft is the most suitable for speeding up this missile to the required speeds at the right altitudes. To confirm that it is not some kind of exotic thing: today 10 aircraft are on trial combat duty and are ready for use depending on the situation," Russian Deputy Defense Minister Yuriy Borisov told the Zvezda broadcaster.

According to Borisov, it is one of four weapons, about which Russian President Vladimir Putin told in his address to the parliamentarians earlier in the year.

Comment: Borisov also said that Peresvet laser combat system is likely to be shown at a Victory Day parade in Moscow in a span of two or three years, as now it is being upgraded.
"I think it is possible in two or three years, since the work is underway to upgrade the complex. If today it requires rather many support vehicles, it will be quite compact soon. Perhaps, we will show it to the public, too," Borisov said when asked if the laser system would be presented during the Victory Day parade.


Reviving extinct mammoths will save the planet say global warmists

The Berezovka mammoth
The Berezovka mammoth
Scientists hope to create a genetically engineered elephant-mammoth hybrid and send it to the Arctic to prevent a so-called "methane time-bomb," which could cause widespread environmental devastation.

The team at Harvard University believes the hardy animals could one day be released in the vast tundra and boreal stretches of North America and Eurasia. They plan to publish their first paper on the subject in the coming months, The Telegraph reported.

Scientists fear that the absence of large mammals pressing down and scraping back thick layers of winter snow in the region prevents the cold from penetrating the soil. Combined with warmer summers, the Arctic permafrost is melting. As a result, the frozen soil, packed with leaves and other organic materials that haven't decayed, will become exposed, releasing carbon into the atmosphere in the form of the greenhouse gasses carbon dioxide and methane.

This threat is widely known as the "methane timebomb," which would create levels of carbon equivalent to burning all of the world's forests two-and-a-half times over.

Comment: Because mammoths aren't scraping at the ground the cold won't penetrate? What?? Some mammoths were found with vegetation in their mouths which show that they lived in temperate climates: Of Flash Frozen Mammoths and Cosmic Catastrophes

And, the Arctic is becoming cooler, whereas areas underground/undersea have really been shown to be getting warmer. So any warming is coming from below and therefore has nothing to do with their debunked theories.

Comment: It's both amazing and mortifying how an propagandised, erroneous belief can spiral into a myriad of unfounded assumptions with potentially devastating consequences:


How the moon affects volcanoes

earth moon doctor
© Brett Ryder
Throughout history, people have suspected the moon of messing around with life on Earth's surface. From inducing madness to affecting the growth of plants, most of these connections are as tenacious as they are ill-substantiated. But one area where the moon's influence cannot be disputed is on the seashore. Long before Isaac Newton's theory of gravity provided a physical explanation, the link between the tides and the phases of the moon was obvious to anyone with an eye for patterns.

And if the moon has such a strong effect on liquid water, well then, why shouldn't the ground be equally affected? Philosophers as far back as Pliny the Elder have speculated that the moon's movements across the sky might also be responsible for earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Statisticians fought over the significance of the connection in the 19th century, and geophysicists of the 1970s and 80s kept the claim alive until lack of evidence finally pushed it out of the mainstream.

The current state of the field can best be summed up by an eye-catching paper published in January by Susan Hough. A seismologist with the United States Geological Survey, she had set out to answer an age-old question: does the timing of powerful earthquakes coincide with the phases of the moon? The abstract ran to one word: No.

Comment: Science is discovering there are multiple factors that contribute to the delicate balance of stability on Earth, a major aspect is the interaction between the bodies within our solar system, which recently been showing ominous signs of change: Also check out SOTT radio's: Behind the Headlines: Earth changes in an electric universe: Is climate change really man-made?