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© AP Photo/Matt RourkeTwitter has put up fact checks on government tweets in recent days.
'Fact check the propagandists!' cheered one user.

Conservatives on Twitter cheered after the official White House Twitter account was slapped with a community-based fact-check on its recent claims about the Biden administration's Social Security policy.

In a recent tweet - that has since been deleted - the official White House Twitter account stated, "Seniors are getting the biggest increase in their social security checks in 10 years through President Biden's leadership."

However, through Twitter's "Birdwatch" feature, which allows certain approved users the ability to annotate or add context to another tweet, someone fact checked the statement.

Underneath the White House tweet, a text box provided context to the statement, explaining that the increase in social security is just a "cost of living adjustment" to compensate for inflation.

It stated, "Seniors will receive a large Social Security benefit increase due to the annual cost of living adjustment, which is based on the inflation rate. President Nixon in 1972 signed into law automatic benefit adjustments tied to the Consumer Price Index. Pub. L. 92-336 (1972)."

It then provided a source link.

Conservative users expressed satisfaction that Twitter was actually fact-checking the White House while it was under Democratic Party control.

GOP communications strategist Matt Whitlock called the fact check "Incredible," adding, "The White House's dumb tweet celebrating the increase in social security checks gets a Twitter fact-check — because they left out the fact that the increase was caused by inflation."

He also tweeted, "This comes just days after Biden got another fact-check for claiming they 'created 700,000 manufacturing jobs' when those were people coming back to work post-COVID."

Conservative author Jason Howerton wrote, "I have been working in digital for 10+ years now and I've never seen this happen with lefty narratives. It's amazing."

In another tweet, Howerton claimed this was the start of a new era. "Democrats have grown so accustomed to sharing straight-up disinformation on social media platforms with no fact-checks, no footnotes, no consequences... this is going to be a real adjustment period for them." reporter Mia Cathell tweeted, "Noticed since Elon Musk's takeover that Twitter has generated crowd-sourced disclaimers that fact check President Biden, the White House, and left-wing claims. Before now, Twitter fact-checking flags have been one-sided and seldom critical of the Biden administration."

The "Wall Street Silver" Twitter account claimed, "Elon's Twitter fact checked the White House. Social Security checks increasing because of inflation, and not even keeping up with real inflation, is not something to brag about."

Business reporter Simone del Rosario remarked, "Weird flex, White House."

Rep. Paul Gosar, R-Ariz., wrote, "It's promising to see Twitter begin to fact-check Joe Biden under new leadership. The Left is getting a taste of their own medicine, and more Americans are seeing through the Biden Regime's lies every day."

Video game producer Grummz quipped, "Wow, fact checks are...getting factual now!

Financial advisor Jameson Lopp cheered, "Fact check the propagandists!"