Dmytry Yarosh Right Sector Neo Nazi Ukraine
Minsk agreements are necessary for Ukraine to gain time, and then go on the offensive.

The former head of the "Right Sector", the head of the so-called Ukrainian Volunteer Army, Dmitry Yarosh, said in an interview that, the unfinished war in the Donbass remains the main challenge for Ukraine.

"And I'm worried that the indecision, the softness of our political leadership can lead, for example, to the implementation of the Minsk accords. And this is one of the biggest threats to the existence of the state. Because to do everything else that is stipulated by the Minsk agreements, all these special statuses and so on - means laying a mine that will tear the state apart," Yarosh said.

He added that he very much hopes that the Ukrainian political leadership will not implement the Minsk agreements.

"That is, we can play "Minsk". You can say that we are, - to delay time, as I see it. To gain time to strengthen the defense capability of our country, and then to come and clean up all that filth. I hope it will be this way, " Yarosh said.