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A Florida couple who say they are aircraft savvy, want some answers to a silent, "circle of light" that was observed slowly moving across the night sky on May 16, 2010, at about 300 feet, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

"The 'aircraft' was low hovering above the tree tops almost looked like the brightest star in the sky," the reporting witness stated. "This object appeared to be roughly 300 feet above the tree tops. We never heard a noise of an aircraft engine and then it disappeared shortly after a car drove past. I personally don't know what to make of this considering I truly never believed in this sort of thing."

The couple lives very close to an Air Force Base. No town name was provided in the public piece of the MUFON report.

Florida, May 16, 2010 - Floating Object that disappeared slowly. MUFON Case # 23329.

My husband and I were out for a short walk after dinner in our neighborhood when we both stopped in the middle of our conversation. We both looked up and saw this circle of light moving slowly across the sky.

Obviously we believed it was some sort of airplane and so we both stopped to take a listen. All we could hear was the buzzing noises of an air conditioner. We live right beside the air force base.

To make you understand we know the differences in the noises of an airplane. My husband has also first hand experience because he works on aircraft.

To conclude my story I had to add that information so that its understood that both of us have never encountered anything of this sort.

The "aircraft" was low hovering above the tree tops almost looked like the brightest star in the sky. This object appeared to be roughly 300 feet above the tree tops. We never heard a noise of an aircraft engine and then it disappeared shortly after a car drove past. I personally don't know what to make of this considering I truly never believed in this sort of thing.

After this experience I'd truly love some real answers. I only wished I had a camera/mini dvd. Thank you for taking the time to read my post.