Science of the SpiritS


SOTT Focus: Amir Peretz and The Faith Based School of Politics

The BBC reports that Israeli newspapers have printed photos of Defence Minister Amir Peretz trying to watch military manoeuvres through binoculars with the lens caps still on.

According to the photographer, Mr Peretz looked through the capped binoculars three times, nodding as Gen Ashkenazi explained what was in view.

He is not the first politician to demonstrate so graphically how out of touch with reality they really are. For example, George Bush was caught in the exact same gaffe:

George Bush at the Korean DMZ in 2002. Another photo later in the sequence showed the lens caps removed, so someone apparently figured it out.

Now, don't go sending me the Snopes "debunking" links. Snopes didn't debunk this photo. They admit that they don't know whether the photo is real or manipulated.


SOTT Focus: BBC Radio Wales interview with Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Interview conducted February 12th 2007 with author and historian Laura Knight-Jadczyk.


Hannibal Lecter: An oddly appealing psychopath

Empathy, everybody knows, can be kind of a mixed blessing. Fine human quality though it may be, it is not obviously useful in pursuits like business and war, which seem to be shaping up as the major occupations of the 21st century. So there's no reason, really, to be surprised that the movies (and television and commercial fiction) can now, with relative impunity, offer up the once despised psychopath - who feels no empathy - as at least a semi-heroic figure, a fulfillment of one of those fantasies that grow like pesky molds in the unfinished basements of our pop culture souls.

Comment: The reason is clear. Psychopaths say to the rest of the humanity: "We Don't Even Try To Hide It Anymore. Programming Is Complete."


SOTT Focus: Paramoralisms Where You Least Expect Them

Imagine you're out in the country, visiting one fine summer's day, and you ask your host to give you a walking tour through some of the beautiful countryside surrounding his house. He's agreeable to your suggestion, and you spend a pleasant hour hiking up and down the surrounding low mountains.


SOTT Focus: An Answer To The Israel Lobby - Ponerology

The Associated Press published a story over the weekend on President Jimmy Carter's new book 'Peace, Not Apartheid':

Bad Guys

SOTT Focus: Hasbara, Shmuel Rosner and the Israel Factor

Being subscribed to dozens of email newsletters, I get lots of interesting news sent to me by compilers of news from various perspectives. The SOTT forum is also a rich source of global news and human doings of various sorts. It was thanks to the forum and forum member a.saccus, that I became aware of the World Union of Jewish Students Hasbara Handbook which you can read HERE. It has also been archived HERE.

This handbook is important for several reasons, the main one being that it demonstrates vividly how the process of "Zionizing" that is going on in the U.S. follows so closely the much maligned and discredited "Protocols of the Elders of Zion."


SOTT Focus: Stupid Is as Stupid Does

It used to baffle me that people who can command literally billions and trillions of dollars can be so stupid. Surely they should know that Saddam, dead, executed by them, is a far more potent mythical symbol for focusing resistance than he ever was alive.

I mean, how stupid can people get?

Well, obviously a lot stupider. Consider the following:


Best of the Web: The Psychopath's Truth

If you are a reader of the Signs of the Times, chances are you are interested in coming to an understanding of the truth of both your own life and life on this planet. While we may only be able to get better and better approximations of this truth, that is, as objective as possible descriptions of the world and ourselves, the dynamics at work in human relations on all levels, and what our role as individuals might be, at the heart of our lives there is a need to seek this truth.


Study: Violent video games affect teens' brain

Beijing -- Teens who play violent video games show increased activity in areas of the brain linked to emotional arousal and decreased responses in regions that govern self-control, a recent study found.


SOTT Focus: Psycho-Babel: A Ponerological Approach to Modern Doublespeak and the Distortion of Language

Language deliberately distorted to veil its true meaning is commonly referred to as 'doublespeak' (from Orwell's 'newspeak' and 'doublethink'). This distortion of words is becoming increasingly severe and overt. Even modern cinema, as evidenced in the immensely popular V for Vendetta, has noticed and commented upon this fact. The meanings of words are being changed.