Society's ChildS


Richard Neville asks: Is this man a psychopath?

U.S. General Dan McNeill, Commander of NATO's forces in Afghanistan,

Comment: To be better able to understand and be better equipped to answer the question that the author poses, it is well worth reading the book "Without Conscience" by Robert Hare. See also the article at cassiopedia on psychopathy.

Black Cat

Young psychopath or coerced by psychopath? 'I was like a zombie - I could barely function,' Canadian girl tells court

A girl accused of killing her parents and younger brother says she was still traumatized by their vicious deaths when she accepted a jailhouse marriage proposal from the much-older man she blames for the murders.

The 13-year-old, on the witness stand at her trial Wednesday for the second straight day, was grilled repeatedly about her actions in the hours and days after her family members were slaughtered in their Medicine Hat home.

Crown prosecutor Stephanie Cleary asked during her cross-examination why the girl would agree to marry her boyfriend Jeremy Steinke, 23 at the time, if she was as horrified by her family's deaths as she testified she was.

"My psychologist says it's post-traumatic stress disorder," the girl practically whispered to the court.


Prosecutors seek death penalty for U.S. Army psychopath who raped and murdered in Iraq

A former U.S. Army private charged with taking part in the gang rape of an Iraqi girl and murdering her and her family should be sentenced to die if he is found guilty, U.S. government prosecutors said on Tuesday.


Made in China or Made in Prison? Forced Labour Linked To Western Brands

Well-known brands in the West have been linked to unpaid Chinese prison labour in a Sky News investigation.

Both Coca-Cola and the giant US retailer Wal-Mart have been implicated in the prisons practice of forcing inmates to work - although the Chinese Embassy in London denies the claims.

Businessmen in Zhejiang Province in southern China told Sky News that finding prison labour was not a problem.

The private companies pay the authorities; the jails provide the labour; and the prisoners are paid nothing.

Human rights groups have condemned the use of forced labour in China's jails, which has been likened to modern-day slavery.

Briton John Sims was sent to prison in Ningbo last year on what he describes as trumped up charges. He found himself on a prison production line making Coca-Cola-branded Christmas decorations.


SOTT Focus: Squatters Without Conscience

©Mike DuBose, UMCom
A Palestinian child swings over the rubble of the family home, demolished by Israeli bulldozers in a valley east of Hebron.

The Forward, which bills itself as "the Jewish daily", had an article this week on American Jews who choose to become illegal settlers on occupied Palestinian land. The "difficulties" they face are illustrated by the following comment:
"'Before we found Neve Daniel, my husband told me, 'I love you and I want to live in Israel, but I'm very materialistic and if I don't have a nice house, we're not moving,' said Lara Kwalbrun, a peppy mother of six, as she gave a tour of her luxurious new home while toting a baby in her arms."
As long as moving into an illegal settlement meant life in a mobile home, a large number of American Jews weren't interested. They left it up to their more pioneering and violent brethren to go out and "colonize" the area, to actually confront the owners of the land with clubs and guns and chain saws and bulldozers. Now that the out and out outlaws have "claimed" the land, so to speak, and the base can move into a gated community fed by water siphoned away from the Palestinians and policed by troops paid for by American taxpayers, these new settlers can move in and never have to come into contact with the people they have displaced. You know, the ones walled up in the concentration - uh, refugee - camps out of sight and out of mind.

Light Saber

Students go on rampage in China

Hundreds of students have rioted against the police in central China after a fellow student was beaten up by city inspectors, witnesses said.


Psychopath? Ex-sheriff's deputy to be executed

Michael Griffith is about to pay with his life for violating the law he once swore to enforce.

The former Harris County sheriff's deputy was set for execution Wednesday evening for the rape, robbery and stabbing death of a Houston woman more than 12 years ago.

Griffith, one of the few former lawmen ever on death row, is the first of five convicted killers scheduled for lethal injection this month in Texas.

The slaying of Deborah McCormick, 44, came nearly two years after Griffith, who rose to the rank of sergeant over his 10-year career, was fired for violating the sheriff's department policy on domestic abuse.


Dr. Laura's Little Monster: More evidence of genetic link to psychopathy!

So the "kid" of "my kid's mom" appears to have grown up into a sociopath. Yes, Derek Schlessinger, beloved soldier-boy scion of talk radio's Queen of Moralizing Mean, has shown the world just what it means to be Dr. Laura's kid.


Great Wall of China Overrun, Damaged, Disneyfied

Archaeologists last week announced the discovery of a new section of the Great Wall of China near the Mongolian border - the northernmost segment ever found.

But what's most noticeable about the wall today is not what's reappearing but what's vanishing.

©AFP/Getty Images
The Great Wall of China may be imperiled by an explosion in tourists, such as the Chinese and foreign visitors above, who frequent souvenir stalls and parking lots only a stone's throw from the wall. Poor reconstruction projects have in places given the ancient landmark the look of a Hollywood set.


Psychopathy in Action: Phony Soldier Charged With Making Up Claims of Atrocities in Iraq

SEATTLE - A man who tried to position himself as a leader of the anti-war movement by claiming to have participated in war crimes while serving in Iraq is facing federal charges of falsifying his record.

Jesse Adam Macbeth, 23, formerly of Phoenix, garnered attention on blogs and in some alternative media after he began claiming in 2005 to have been awarded a Purple Heart for his service, which he said included slaughtering innocents in a Fallujah mosque. His story was contradicted by his discharge form, showing that he was kicked out of the Army after six weeks at Fort Benning, Ga., in 2003 because of his "entry level performance and conduct."