Fire in the SkyS


Northwest Las Vegas Residents Report Loud Boom

Residents in the northwest part of the valley say they heard a large boom that was followed by several seconds of shaking Monday afternoon.

Channel 8 Eyewitness News received calls from people in the areas of Summerlin Parkway and Lone Mountain, and 215 and Cheyenne.


Sunset 'comet' reported across western victoria

RESIDENTS in central and western Victoria have reported seeing a bright light, possibly a comet, streaking across the sky just before sunset.

Callers to ABC Radio reported seeing the bright green coloured object shooting westward in the sky from Bendigo to Horsham in the state's northwest down to Colac in the southwest.


SOTT Focus: Radical Rethink in Meteorite Impact Timing

For years the mainstream scientific community has fed us the line that there is nothing to worry about down on Earth from meteor impacts because the really big ones only happen once every 500,000 to 1,000,000 years. Now, a small group of scientists are challenging that view:


Meteor show could be a breakout hit

The annual Leonid meteor shower could produce a strong outburst this weekend for residents of eastern North America and Western Europe.

A brief surge of activity is expected begin around 11:45 p.m. ET Saturday. In Europe, that corresponds to early Sunday morning at 4:45 GMT. The outburst could last up to two hours.


New evidence shows a different meteor killed dinosaurs

Hamburg - In a scenario resembling the dramatic conclusion to a TV crime drama, paleo-forensics experts have produced new evidence to show that the dinosaurs were bumped off by a different meteor than the one that has received the rap for their extinction.

The German palaeontologists insist that a mysterious meteor or comet must have done the deadly deed - long after the notorious Yucatan meteor that has hitherto been blamed.


'Meteor' caused mystery explosion

A chief scientist claims a loud bang on the north Cornwall and Devon border was caused by a large meteor exploding.

David Carcary from the West Cornwall Astronomical Society said a meteor had created the sonic boom before burning up after it entered the atmosphere.

He said the lack of any seismological signals indicates it burned up before it hit the ground.


Dinosaurs 'lived for 300,000 years after Mexican meteor strike'

DINOSAURS were killed off by a meteor that hit the Earth 300,000 years after the one blamed for their extinction, a scientist has claimed.

Dr Gerta Keller, from Princeton University, New Jersey, insists the Chicxulub impact off the coast of Mexico 65 million years ago could not on its own have wiped out the dinosaurs.


Wow! Striking Green Comet Suddenly Visible in Evening Sky

What had been a modest comet seen only with binoculars or telescopes flared up this week to become visible to the naked eye.

Comment: Comment: Original story has pic.


Meteor totals German cottage

German police today announced that a fire which swept through a cottage near Bonn, in the process injuring a 77-year-old man, was probably caused by a meteor.

According to Reuters, the 10 October incendiary incident in Siegburg gutted the cottage and "badly burned the man's hands and face".


Strong Leonid Meteor Shower Expected Nov. 18

If you live in Western Europe or eastern North America, put a big circle on your calendar around Saturday, Nov. 18. If that night is clear, bundle up warmly and head outside because you may be able to catch a glimpse of an intense, albeit brief display of Leonid meteors.