children's health defense
Washington, D.C. — On July 29, 2021, President Biden directed the Department of Defense to add COVID-19 vaccines to the list of military requirements. On Aug. 24, the day after the FDA licensed the Comirnaty vaccine, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin mandated COVID-19 vaccinations for every service member. The military illegally enforced this mandate by withholding the fully licensed product, ignoring service members' rights to refuse experimental medicines. Active-duty Navy Commander Robert A. Green Jr. chronicles this unprecedented travesty of justice in Children's Health Defense's (CHD's) new book to be released on July 4, "Defending the Constitution Behind Enemy Lines: A Story of Hope for Those Who Love Liberty.

A devout Catholic and father of seven, Green was banned from his building and fired from his position leading a 650-person unit after he refused the COVID vaccine for religious reasons. In addition to authoring numerous internal Navy complaints documenting unlawful actions on the part of his superiors, Green supplied multiple whistleblower reports to Congress.

The automatic denial of religious exemptions in the military was so egregious that in 2022, judges in non-military courts hearing lawsuits on behalf of service members granted preliminary injunctions against the Navy, the Air and Space Forces, and the Marine Corps. The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023 finally put an end to the mandate, but this did nothing for the many service members who had already been penalized for refusing what turned out to be an unsafe and ineffective experimental drug.

Conscientious objectors lost promotions and positions and/or were involuntarily "separated" from the military, all while being denied their right to due process. Among them were Navy musician Drew Stapp, who was kept from his family for eight months despite having valid retirement orders; an Air Force master sergeant who had four strokes within hours of receiving a vaccine she didn't want or need; and Daniel, the Navy Seal who was ostracized and isolated until he was found dead in an apparent suicide.

The COVID-19 vaccine mandate also sacrificed military readiness. Thousands of trained and qualified service members were discharged when recruitment was already so low that the Navy alone had 7,000 vacant positions, prompting a readiness crisis. When Secretary Austin mandated the vaccine, there had been fewer than 30 deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the military, while in the same timeframe, 839 service members took their own lives. Focusing instead on compliance with an illegal mandate, military command ignored mental health to the detriment of those 839 troops and their families.

Green provides in-depth historical analyses of two Supreme Court rulings that provide the legal basis for compulsory vaccination, Jacobsen v. Massachusetts and Buck v. Bell. In Jacobsen, the Court intended its support for Massachusetts' smallpox vaccine mandate to be very narrow, upholding a small fine for vaccination refusal in the midst of a deadly outbreak. Buck v. Bell, one of the most notorious decisions in the history of the Court, paved the way for serious human rights abuses. The ruling upheld a Virginia law allowing the state to sterilize the "feebleminded" against their will, arguing that "three generations of imbeciles is enough." Ironically, there is no evidence that the subject of the case, Carrie Buck — or her daughter conceived in rape — actually was "feebleminded."

According to CHD's Chairman on leave, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., "Navy Commander Green expertly weaves historical analysis together with this incredible true story of a courageous fight for medical freedom." Retired Air Force Colonel Rob Maness says, "This book should be taught in every public school, every military basic training course, every military officer accession course, and have a place in every American family's home library."

"Defending the Constitution Behind Enemy Lines" is available at your favorite retailer.