jamie wallis car crash
The court heard Wallis was wearing a mini-skirt, tights and a pearl necklace when the crash happened.
The charges relate to a collision in November last year in which his Mercedes smashed into a lamppost and telegraph pole in Llanblethian, South Wales.

A Tory MP has been banned from driving for six months and fined £2,500 for smashing into a telegraph pole and fleeing the scene, leaving the car in the middle of the road.

Jamie Wallis, who has represented Bridgend since 2019, was found guilty of failing to stop, failing to report a road traffic collision and leaving a vehicle in a dangerous position.

He was found not guilty of driving without due care and attention.

The MP was wearing a black leather mini-skirt, tights and high heels at the time of the crash, a court heard.

Wallis, who came out as transgender in March this year - the first UK MP to do so, denied the charges.

Comment: Autogynephilia: In Ray Blanchard's transsexualism typology, the proposed paraphilic tendency of someone who is anatomically male to be sexually aroused by the thought of being a female, sometimes considered a form of gender identity disorder or transvestic fetishism.

He said he had left the scene because he felt vulnerable in women's clothing after allegedly being raped a few months before.

Cardiff Magistrates' Court heard the crash happened on 28 November last year when his Mercedes hit a lamppost and telegraph pole in Llanblethian, South Wales.

Carina Hughes, prosecuting, said residents Adrian Watson and Natalie Webb were having a gathering when just after 1am they heard a "very loud bang, significantly louder than a domestic firework".

Mr Watson said he looked inside the car and saw "a white male wearing a white long-sleeve top which was tight to the body, a black leather PVC mini-skirt, tights, dark shoes with a high heel and a pearl necklace".

Ms Webb in her statement described the male as wearing "black court shoes".

When he asked Wallis if he was okay, Mr Watson said he replied: "I'm sorting it. I'm sorting it."

Mr Watson said Wallis began walking away from the scene.

He followed the 38-year-old and saw him make two phone calls, and that during one he claimed he was being "accosted". He was then picked up by his father in a Land Rover Discovery.

Wallis told the court he fled because he felt vulnerable in women's clothing, having allegedly been raped the last time he wore such an outfit in public.

He said he had not yet formally reported the attack to the police.

Wallis said he became "overwhelmed" by post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which made him believe he would be "assaulted or accosted, restrained or kidnapped".

A psychiatrist confirmed she had diagnosed Wallis with the condition.

Describing the night of the crash, he said he had been at home wearing the clothes "he felt most comfortable in", before taking a late-night drive to his estranged wife's house.

Wallis told the court he had been driving "relatively slow" when he saw a cat and "instinctively" swerved.

Police Sergeant Gareth Handy said when he later attended Wallis's home, which he described as a "mansion" and "absolutely colossal", he forced entry out of concern for the MP.

PC Louis Hall, who found Wallis asleep in a bedroom, told the court: "He appeared to be wearing make-up.

"His eyelids were dark, his lips were red and his cheeks were bronzed, and he had red nail polish on his toes."

Wallis was found naked in bed and given a modesty blanket until clothing could be found.

The black leather skirt and pearl necklace were found next to the bed and were seized by police. He was arrested at 7.21am.

Judge Tan Ikram said Wallis's actions on the night did "not suggest he was overwhelmed and acting out of fear", and that "having PTSD is not a defence".

"What the prosecution have proved to me he was able to make decisions that night - he made bad decisions," said the judge.

"I am sure he was not prevented through PTSD to giving details or particulars and report the accident soon after.

"He made a decision he didn't want to be there and made a decision to ring his father.

"Through all of that period he could have rung 999 or 101 - he didn't. I am sure he didn't through a conscious choice, not through being overwhelmed or acting irrationally."