Bank of Ireland
© Frantzesco Kangaris/Bloomberg
The varied impacts of the European interest rates cuts are beginning to work their way through the system. In two different currencies, and thus two different monetary regimes, we now have banks charging large depositors for holding their deposits. We thus have evidence of one contention - that the zero lower bound is not actually zero and thus monetary policy is still effective. At a more detailed level this also pretty much kills the business models of a certain number of financial market players. As an example of that we'll use John Corzine and what went down at MF Global.

The news itself is that Bank of Ireland , in the eurozone, is going to charge large depositors for their privilege in placing money in the bank:
Richie Boucher has never been afraid to stand out from the crowd, which might explain Bank of Ireland's decision to begin charging large corporate and institutional customers for holding deposits with the institution.

From October 10th, a rate of 0.1 per cent will be charged to customers who hold deposits of €10 million or more with the bank or have multiple deposit accounts with it, regardless of the sums involved. It is thought to affect only a small number of customers.
Bank of Ireland has told customers that this is the result of the European Central Bank's decision earlier this year to levy a negative interest rate of 0.4 per cent on overnight deposits.
Royal Bank of Scotland , or RBS as we should call it now, is making the same decision over in the sterling markets:
Royal Bank of Scotland is to start charging major financial institutions for any cash it holds on their behalf for trading purposes, in the latest illustration of the impact of Mark Carney's post-Brexit vote stimulus package.
Even so, from Monday, about 70 RBS customers will start to receive negative rates because they will be charged for any cash they place as collateral for trading in complex financial products, such as futures or options. The move will not affect the small business customers whom the bank, and its NatWest arm, warned last month it may have to charge for making deposits.
This is becoming more general:
HSBC said last year it would start charging other banks for deposits held in currencies where negative interest rates apply. It confirmed on Friday that the policy would not change.
Our first point is that if people can charge negative interest rates then of course zero is not the zero lower bound for monetary policy. We do think though that negative rates can only go so far. At some point it will be cheaper to hire a vault and stick cash in it rather than losing money by putting it into a bank account. Exactly where that number is is unknown but some put it at 0.2% or so - minus 0.2% that is.

However, I find the much more interesting effect to be that upon certain actors in the financial markets. And that brings us to John Corzine and MF Global. To explain what happened there:
MF Global handled futures trades for people. They did the boring but necessary work of actually handling the trades and the paperwork. Of making sure that there was sufficient collateral from each client: someone has to do this so that the person on the other side of the trade also knows that there's collateral there. It's all, actually, a very boring indeed matter of being an extremely efficient filing clerk. Companies like this are not advising on futures strategies, not trading them for their own account. They're really supposed to be execution only brokers: there to handle and perhaps automate the flow of paper that trading generates.

Given that it's such a boring business then why would someone like Jon Corzine be so interested in running such a firm? The answer is the float. There's a vast amount of money that washes through such companies in the form of that collateral that those trading must put up. The broking firm gets to invest that money and then keep the profits of that investment itself. Please note, this collateral is different from the client funds. This investment is done in much the same way that an insurance company gets to invest your premiums for whatever time they have them before paying out on a claim.

Now, the returns from such investments are such that that's the real reason people want to own and run such businesses. So much so that competition between them for customers means that the actually broking side just about breaks even or sometimes makes a loss: the profits on investing the collateral are such that it makes sense to run a company this way. All of which is just absolutely great: until interest rates fall to nearly nothing. Meaning that the amount that can be made by investing the float is also nearly nothing. For of course, they're not actually allowed to go off and put that collateral on the 3.30 at the racetrack: they're only allowed to put it into certain safe (supposedly safe at least) bonds and similar investments.

So, interest rates went to near zero after the crash and MF Global was desperate to increase the amount that it earned from investment of the float.
That's a reasonably general model for execution only futures brokers. They charge less than the actual cost of broking the futures but get to keep the income from the collateral put up against those futures. That's where the profit comes from. In fact, we can use this as a measure of whether the business is in fact competitive. If brokers as a group are both making profit on the broking and also on the collateral then it's not a competitive industry. For we would expect the competition to lead to an average return on the cost of capital, meaning that the collateral returns should subsidize the cost to the customers of the actual broking.

This model falls apart in a world of negative interest rates on short term deposits. And that's what it did for MF Global, going looking for higher income at the expense of higher risk. Risk which didn't, as we know, pay out.