© Sputnik/ Evgeny Yepanchintsev
Russian bombers have destroyed 285 ISIL and Nusra Front targets over the past three days in Syria's provinces of Hama, Idlib, Latakia, Damascus, Aleppo, Deir ez-Zor, the Russian Defense Ministry said Monday.

The Russian Aerospace Forces have conducted 164 sorties in Syria in three days, the Russian Defense Ministry's spokesman added.

Russian Su-25 attack aircraft destroyed 3 ISIL strongholds near Salma in the Syrian province of Latakia, Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said.

"Su-25 attack airctaft destroyed three ISIL terrorists' strongholds, equipped with dug-out shelters, pillboxes and mortar positions."

Russian jets also destroyed a major Nusra Front ammunition depot in Eastern Ghuta, the Damascus province, he said.

Russian combat aircraft hit and destroyed an ISIL base, equipped with anti-aircraft guns, mortars and large-caliber machine guns in the Aleppo province, Konashenkov said.

"Unmanned aerial vehicles uncovered a large ISIL base with a large number of off-road vehicles equipped with heavy machine guns, Zu-23 anti-aircraft guns and mortars in forested mountainous terrain."

After additional data verification via other channels, two Su-24 destroyed the base, he said.

Also in Aleppo, Russian Su-34 bombers have completely destroyed an ISIL command center, which coordinated the jihadists' combat operations against the Syrian Armed Forces near the Kowaires airbase.

"Su-34 bomber carried out a pinpoint strike near Zaytan town in the Aleppo province on an uncovered by means of aerial reconnaissance ISIL terrorist group's command center, which coordinated combat operations against the Syrian army in the area of the Kowaires airbase."

In the Hama province, a terrorist plant, which installed machine guns, mortars and Zu-23 anti-aircraft mounts on cars, was destroyed in a Russian airstrike.

"A plant, where terrorists installed heavy machine guns, mortars, Zu-23 anti-aircraft mounts on all-terrain vehicles, was destroyed in the Hama province. As a result of an airstrike plant floors used by militants to refit equipment completely burnt down."

The Russian Aerospace Forces have taken main roads in areas in the vicinity of armed hostilities in Syria, under control, to cut off militants' supply routes.

"We register movement of mobile caravans, providing militants from eastern and central provinces of Syria with arms and ammunition, especially at night," Konashenkov said, noting that it concerns primarily the provinces of Deir ez-Zor and Raqqa.

He added that Su-25 aircraft had destroyed 6 vehicles carrying artillery ammunition in the Idlib province. Moreover, Su-25 launched a strike on a a convoy of jihadist fighters.

"As a result of a pinpoint strike three jeeps with heavy machine guns and two trucks used by terrorists to transport arms were destroyed."