Abominable Snowman
© Elliott Marks/HWT Image LibraryScientists are preparing another expedition to hunt down the Abominable Snowman after dozens of sightings in Siberia.
What is it with Siberia?

Last week we reported on a mystery monster in one of Siberia's lakes. This week, they are preparing an expedition to hunt down the Abominable Snowman.

Russian Yeti expert and head of the International Centre of Hominology Igor Burtsev, tried to hunt down the beast last year. He claimed to have discovered samples of yeti hair. But as yet, no DNA analysis of the hair he supposedly found has been released.

Still, that hasn't stopped the Abominable Snowman sightings, or the hunt to find the mysterious creature, known in Australia as a Bunyip. There have been dozens of sightings in Siberia in the past few years.

Local government official Sergei Adlyakov told Trud newspaper a state inspector spotted one of the animals in Shorsky National Park.

"The creature did not look like a bear and quickly disappeared after breaking some branches of the bushes," he was quoted as saying.

But when Mr Adlyakov was asked about the sighting by the Siberian Times he said it was "private" and never meant to go public.

In August fisherman Vitaly Vershinin told another local Siberian newspaper he saw two creatures near Myski village.

"Sailing up the river I saw on the bank what I thought were two bears," he said. "They were drinking water."

"When they noticed me, they easily stood straight upright and went away... I did not wish to chase them."

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© Supplied
Another fisherman was so sure that he saw an abominable snowman he took a television crew into the area where he thought he saw the creature.

"We shouted to them - do you need help?" he said.

Because that is the first thing we would all say to an Abominable Snowman.

"They just rushed away, all in fur, walking on two legs, making way through the bushes with two other limbs, straight up the hill, right there," he said.

"What did we think? It could not be bears, as the bear walks on all-fours, and they ran on two.... so then they were gone."

Maybe after the hunt in October we will all know whether the Abominable Snowman exists or if it is just the stuff of Hollywood.