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Signs of the Times for Fri, 03 Feb 2006

William B. Cushman, Ph.D.
"History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people." -- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Dr. King wrote the famous quote above in regard to the civil rights movement, but it is equally true of our current crisis. We, the good people of the United States, are embarrassingly silent when we should be raising our voices in utter and complete outrage. We are throwing our honor and our standing before the world to the winds of ignominy without the slightest sign of any struggle, and without the slightest semblance of any claim to moral standing. Ironically, it was not too many years ago we were collectively outraged by similar behavior from Kitty Genovese's neighbors. We were collectively appalled at the behavior of those few callous individuals, and now most of us join their ranks. We need to remember the events of Ms. Genovese's murder now, and exactly how we felt about her neighbors, because that is exactly how the rest of the world now views every American citizen.

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Comment: "There is only one force in the nation that can be depended upon to keep the government pure and the governors honest, and that is the people themselves. They alone, if well informed, are capable of preventing the corruption of power, and of restoring the nation to its rightful course if it should go astray. They alone are the safest depository of the ultimate powers of government."

-- Thomas Jefferson -

Financial Times
January 24 2006 02:00
The term of a World Bank presidency is an all-too-brief five years and the early months are frequently marred by sniping from the career staff who are more permanent fixtures. Because the post is filled by the nominee of the US president, a new chief often knows little about the organisation and takes time to make a mark. Almost eight months after taking up the role, Paul Wolfowitz has yet to set a course for his presidency and staff disquiet is reaching deafening levels.

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By Laurie Sullivan
Mon Jan 23, 6:34 PM ET
When a parent arrives to pick up their child at one of three grade schools in the Freehold Borough School District, they'll need to look into a camera that will take a digital image of their iris. That photo will establish positive identification to gain entrance into the school.

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by notepad
22 Jan 06
While all the other points I mentioned in a previous post are fairly well documented and discussed elsewhere on the Internet, the bank information I reported is not. This information is from my own experience and research. I discovered the disturbing news quite by accident - and by virtue of its importance, I decided to post my findings here and on a few other forums.

What did I hear?

A family member from Irvine, CA (who’s a branch manager at Bank of America) told us two weeks ago that her bank held a "workshop" where the last two days were dedicated to discussing their bank’s new security measures. During these last two days, the workshop included members from the Homeland Security Office who instructed them on how to field calls from customers and what they are to tell them in the event of a national disaster. She said they were told how only agents from Homeland Security (during such an event) would be in charge of opening safe deposit boxes and determining what items would be given to bank customers.

At this point they were told that no weapons, cash, gold, or silver will be allowed to leave the bank - only various paperwork will be given to its owners. After discussing the matter with them at length, she and the other employees were then told not to discuss the subject with anyone.

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22 Jan 06
FORT CARSON, Colo. - The initials were spoken aloud only once all week, and then apparently by mistake.

After this past week's testimony, any role the CIA had -- or didn't have -- in the interrogation of an Iraqi general who died in U.S. custody remains a tantalizing and mysterious backdrop to the court-martial of Army Chief Warrant Officer Lewis Welshofer Jr.

The CIA is "the ghost at the banquet," said Eugene R. Fidell, an expert in military law who has been following the court-martial but doesn't know whether the CIA was involved in the case.

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Cox News Service
January 25, 2006
WASHINGTON — When the state first approved hiring a new lobbying firm with close ties to lobbyist Jack Abramoff in 2004, it rejected competing bids that met more of the state's selection criteria and cost less, according to documents obtained by the Austin American-Statesman.

What the winning firm, Cassidy & Associates, did have was access — all the way to presidential aide Karl Rove, according to memos and e-mails that were obtained through a Texas Open Records Request.

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Staff Report
Daytona Beach News Journal
24 Jan 06
A tanker truck filled with 8,000 gallons of fuel exploded into a giant fireball visible for miles after it crashed on Interstate 95 in Palm Coast Monday night, shutting down southbound traffic for six hours between U.S. 1 north of Flagler County and Palm Coast Parkway.

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January 24 2006
Two federal agencies agreed Tuesday to pay the American Civil Liberties Union $200,000 to settle a lawsuit brought to uncover information about the government's no-fly list, which bars suspected terrorists from airliners.

The government will compensate the ACLU for attorneys' fees, settling a lawsuit initiated by two San Francisco peace activists who were detained while checking in for a flight three years ago.

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Jan 24 10:12 AM US/Eastern
Four teens were arrested on attempted murder charges after they beat up a man who was chosen at random, videotaping the planning and the attack "almost like a documentary," police said.

A Drexel University engineering graduate student told police he was attacked Friday afternoon by four young men who beat him and tried to throw him in front of a moving car, authorities said. The 30-year-old victim was treated for a dislocated jaw.

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Wednesday, January 25, 2006
GERMANTOWN, Maryland (AP) -- A 7-year-old girl was shot in the arm at a day care center Tuesday after an 8-year-old classmate brought in one of his father's guns and it accidentally went off, authorities said.

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24 Jan 06
NEW YORK (AP) -- Patricia Battisti had thought her back surgery in early 2005 was routine. A letter from her hospital nearly a year later made it clear she was wrong.

Battisti was informed that the cadaver bone that was implanted in her back may have been infected with various viruses -- the result of what investigators say was a large-scale scheme in which corpses were cut up and body parts illegally sold.

The Long Island woman now claims she contracted syphilis from the bone and plans to sue. The hospital adamantly denies the allegation. But the case may be an early warning that the gruesome body-parts scandal is going to lead to a lot of lawsuits.

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