Laura Knight-Jadczyk
© Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Laura Knight Jadczyck is a renowned American hypnotherapist and researcher. She is the intellectual creator of the Cassiopaean Experiment, and her books can be obtained, among other places, HERE.

Perseo: Thank you very much Laura, for agreeing to give us this exclusive interview for the Perseo Forum. We know you work an impossible daily schedule, you are in the process of finishing two books for their prompt publication, answer innumerable emails every day, manage the affairs of the network's site (one of the most accessed registered sites), and have a lot of responsibilities.

The Cassiopaean Experiment has given rise to an overview of the purpose of life that far exceeded the preconceived notions of those involved in the project, regarding the complexity of the universe and the richness and purpose of human experience. However, it has also given us a shock by revealing the incisive machinations that have been put into place since time immemorial, which tend to keep human beings in a "dream state", ignorant of the general situation of servility towards masters originating from higher dimensions. Do you have the impression that most human beings simply are not prepared to know the truth, and that in facing such revelations they will choose to withdraw into their cocoons of rejection and denial?

LKJ: The only way I can answer that question is by reporting my experiences collected as a result of having made the material public. It certainly seems that many people prefer to keep and nurture a series of "warm and comfortable" illusions aimed at satisfying the demands of the ego, but there are also many people who are simply very tired of their experiences and constantly watching the world around them and find that things cannot be explained satisfactorily by traditional means. Such people are often smart, sharp, and definitely not naive.

How would I estimate the two reactions from a percentage point of view? It's too early to say. At present there is a small percentage of people who are awake or in the process of awakening. There is an even larger group of people who are still "asleep" because they have not reached enough degree of discomfort to wish to wake up. I venture to say that there will be a greater number of people waking up to the rude reality in the next five years, as things start "warming up" on a planetary level.

Perseo: If the so-called process of "Ascension" - which will mark the next evolutionary leap in the history of the human race - has more to do with a personal effort to accumulate enough knowledge and increasingly discover our own abilities, do you think that the degree of faith or adherence to dogmas of religions that promote saving figures will perhaps prevent most people from being able to graduate?

LKJ: Again, the curtain has not fallen yet. I suspect that the much prophesied period of "tribulation" will accelerate both the "growth" and the awakening processes. One of the possible unpleasant side effects that I dare to predict is that, as the number of people become aware of the fraudulent nature of most of the religions and philosophies that promote Salvation, they will resort, in desperation, after realizing that they had put their faith in all sorts of false gods, to walk the roads of the dark side, either by spite or fear.

Perseo: Is the "Wave" (the phenomenon that will catalyze the transition to 4th density) a physical phenomenon, or one of a metaphysical nature? Or perhaps a bit of both?

LKJ: Of both, certainly. In my soon to be published book "The Noah Syndrome", I refer to the phenomenon in both physical and metaphysical terms, and include the evidence presented by a number of emerging theories in the fields of physics, cosmology, and astrophysics that have come in support of ideas such as the "twin universe," or the emergence of realities as a result of the "collision of universes," and what could more properly be called the "transition between phases" in terms of matter and consciousness.

Perseo: One of the stages of the "Hero's Adventure" (which in a way we all must recreate in our own way on the stage of our own lives), as typified by Joseph Campbell, is what he describes as the "Encounter with the Supernatural Help". This represents a potential trap, and many are deceived as they are urged to align themselves with all kinds of seemingly benevolent forces, which in time reveal their true nature as "wolves in sheepskin." Are the negative-type forces of superior dimensions more easily disposed to interact with humans than those of the "positive" type?

LKJ: That certainly seems to be the case, and so it is reflected in countless myths, legends and religious stories such as the "Fall of Eden". In the semi-mythological account of the life of Jesus, it is reported how he did not discuss Satan's pretensions to being the "master of the world." This idea has appeared many times in the teachings of various religions, especially in the philosophies of Cathars and Gnostics.

The Bible itself tells the story of the Prodigal Son who went to a "distant country," implying that our reality is, apparently, that "Far Country." The issue is that the Far Country has always existed and will continue to exist, and our option is to "return home" if we are not in accordance with its living conditions. In history all this is represented in stages, and the first of these is the "awakening" of the Prodigal Son to the harsh reality that he is in a pigsty. Next, you realize that you will get NO help from the residents of that Far Country.

However, once he has realized his situation and resolved to return home, the Father looks into the distance and sends a servant with a ring and a coat. This is symbolic of the help that can be received by that truly awake being.

Note carefully that the suggestion is never made that the Far Country will cease to exist, or that it will be destroyed or transformed in any way. Those who aspire to "change the world" are struggling in vain. This is as it is for a reason: it represents an opportunity to experience and learn from the risk of ending up in a pigsty, so that we can fully appreciate our position in relation to that of the other beings of creation.

Again, I note carefully that in the story, whenever the Prodigal Son sought help within the confines of the Far Country, the result was that he was sent to feed and care for the pigs. This is very important. The way back home should be preceded by the awakening to our condition of exiles, and by the dedicated effort to get on the path by our own effort. Only then can we rely on the required help being sent to us.

Perseo: How would you respond to the allegations of some detractors that the source of information to which the Cassiopaean Experiment was able to connect is actually an alien supercomputer in orbit around the Earth?

LKJ: In a sense, EVERYTHING we experience is the result of some kind of "alien supercomputer." Everything people think, feel, write, perceive or even do is, in a sense, "to run a program" previously installed. In a broader sense, this alien supercomputer only exists and operates because there is an even larger "alien supercomputer" orbiting the galaxy, and a larger one orbiting the local cluster of galaxies, and so on. The main question would then be: who is the programmer and what is the program that is running at the moment? The answer is: the Universal Consciousness, and we have the possibility to choose to increase our area of ​​consciousness, to improve it through the accumulation of knowledge and the increase of our perceptibility, in the hope of graduating to those planes where the programs are written, or in defect, continue to function merely as "printers", "monitor screens" or mechanical peripheral devices.

By choosing the system with which we will be aligning our consciousness, we can become a useful program, or we can become a virus. We can build, or we can infest useful programs and destroy them. And some of us may even choose to operate as "local purge units" for the benefit of those around us.

Perseo: The subject of attacks by agents of the so-called Consortium, who selectively target those individuals who are dangerously close to the truth, is a rather delicate one. Do you think that sometimes we tend to be overly paranoid without proper justification, or perhaps the actual level of interference and the powerful resources of Consortium agents are as intimidating as some insist?

LKJ: If you stop to consider that there is a good chance that they have indeed developed abilities such as time travel, we would be extremely unwary if we neglected their ability to "change the program" at will. It is only through our accumulation of knowledge of these factors and the sharpening of our perceptive faculties to detect "inconsistencies" in our reality that we will have any hope of catching them "with their hands in the cookie jar." Otherwise, it is undeniable that if you work hard for a fairly long period of time, you will come to discover the truth that THEY want you to discover. And if you forget this, you will merely be functioning as another tool in the service of their cause.

However, the so-called "paranoia" factor must be analyzed in the appropriate context. Most of the "disinformation" that is deliberately diffused has the purpose of confronting groups of human beings against one another by revealing that this or that "secret" society is perverse and is behind all conspiracies. At the end of the day, this dynamic serves an important purpose, to put a smokescreen that makes us lose sight of the real controllers:

Hyperdimensional beings of enormous cunning and techno-mental abilities which we can only speculate about.

Identifying this or that group as the real "secret government," or saying that the government is behind this or that sinister plot, is to miss the shot. If that is the case, very few of all those involved are truly aware of who the real instigators are. Most members of governments are just as much a victim of fraud as any of us.

Perseo: Do your own personal experiences reflect the effectiveness of the Control System's agenda to keep those who are most likely to awaken to reality in constant vigilance and control?

LKJ: Without a doubt. And unfortunately, because of the "ego" factor, they generally succeed in their endeavor. For humans it is very difficult to recognize that they are not at the top of the food pyramid, and to realize the true danger that actually exists. I am convinced that the only reason I am still among the living is that I have never dismissed the powers and abilities of the Control System. To do that would be flirting with disaster.

Perseo: The transcriptions of the Cassiopaean material have served to validate the reality of the so-called "alien scenario", however, the material emphasizes the fact that the forces that have sought to manipulate humanity are from a higher dimensional plane. Do you think that the various groups that promote the idea of the alien threat in terms of physical beings of the 3rd density coming from outer space are missing the shot?

LKJ: Not only are they "missing the shot," most are being led as a herd to those same conclusions by the mechanism we described earlier. They make the "discoveries" that someone else wants them to make. In most cases there is a well-meaning and honest search for the truth. In other cases, there is an egomaniacal blindness behind all this. There are even more cases in which there is a deliberate obfuscation to conceal the fact that those who claim to "have control" or have full "knowledge of the facts" have neither the one nor the other. But, just as in the "New Emperor's Costume" story, the size of their ego does not allow them to admit that they are not at the top of the hierarchy. Unfortunately, the ego is also the tool that leads them incautiously to their own deception.

Perseo: Do you think that some covert factions, ascribed to what William Dean Ross calls the "Black Arts and Sciences", are working secretly to reactivate their passive DNA and awaken their "paranormal" abilities?

LKJ: Most likely.

Perseo: And what could possibly be their motivation?

LKJ: They think that in that way they will be turning into "supermen". They do not realize (again because of the ego) that they are being used as "instruments" in a possible plan of occupation by beings of a higher density, once the latter have prepared them as receptacles or "appropriate containers" for their own vibration frequencies.

Perseo: Could one say that by investing enormous resources in the secret development of time-travel and interdimensional travel technologies, in projects such as those of Montauk, the Philadelphia Experiment and the like, the intention of the Illuminati is to have an outpost in the higher dimensions before we even have the opportunity to make the transition to them?

LKJ: Well, the fact is that they ALREADY have outposts, they simply want to make sure that the greatest possible number of people are not graduated and that those who succeed in effecting the transition are immediately absorbed into their hierarchy of domination. They also want to maintain a control system in the "new three-dimensional Earth" for future use at a later transition point.

Perseo: Through your research, have you accumulated enough evidence to support your hypothesis that members of megalithic civilizations did indeed possess vastly different and superior technological knowledge that allowed them to transcend the limitations of our three-dimensional environment and to graduate successfully to the higher planes of existence during past cycles of influence of the transdimensional Wave?

LKJ: Well, that's a project currently underway. In the same way, the research is directed towards an understanding of what are the great cycles of time that operate here and which are the optimal geographical coordinates for the amplification of the energy. If they could do it, there is no reason to think that others cannot.

Perseo: What things have you been able to make clear as a result of your research in the field of genealogical lineages and genetic manipulation?

LKJ: In a very short form, we all have "time bombs" in our DNA.

Perseo: How should we educate our children about all these things of which the educational system seems to be in complete ignorance of?

LKJ: That is precisely the most crucial of all issues: discovering the truth and communicating it openly to our children. If we do not, we will have no future. In what way? Every parent knows their children better than anyone else, and will know how to explain the basic rules of nature: how the cat feeds on the mouse, and how the snake feeds on the frog, and how the bird feeds on the worm, etc., etc.,. It should not be too difficult to extend that metaphor to humans and hyperdimensional predators. That creature that learns to read the signs of the hunter's presence survives. Many animals never see a hunter in the course of their lives, but those who come to see it and are not aware of the danger generally do not survive.

We must make it our goal to educate our children about these possibilities, so that if they have to deal directly with the predator, they know how to survive. Those animals that are not aware of the danger posed by men carrying long sticks on their shoulders usually become dinner, hunting trophy, or both.

Knowledge protects.